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€€ €€
€€ D E M A N D R E S E A R C H C O R P O R A T I O N ' S €€
€€ €€
€€ D I R E C T O R Y O F €€
€€ €€
€€ C O R P O R A T E C O N T R O L L E R S €€
€€ €€
€€ S E P T E M B E R , 1 9 9 2 €€
€€ €€
What Is In This Directory?
This is a continuously updated directory that now contains the names of
over 5OO corporate controllers in US public companies that trade on the New
York Stock Exchange. Included is the full name and exact title of each
executive, together with company name, address, telephone number, and
industry. This is a shareware product updated and distributed monthly by
Demand Research Corporation, 625 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 6O611.
Tel: (312) 664-65OO.
The information contained herein is obtained from sources believed to
be reliable, but Demand Research is not responsible for any errors or
omissions. All rights are reserved.
Does DRC Publish Any Other Similar Directories?
Yes. Look for these other monthly shareware directories distributed by
Demand Research:
* DRC's Directory Of Management Information Systems Executives
* DRC's Directory Of Human Resources Executives
* DRC's Directory Of Marketing & Sales Executives
* DRC's Directory Of Corporate Treasurers
Is This File Available In Other Formats?
Yes. With an order for DRC's Executive Desk Register of Publicly Held
Corporations (see below), this file -- including several hundred additional
corporate controllers in US public companies that trade on the American
Stock Exchange and on the NASDAQ National Market System -- can be ordered
at no charge in comma-delimited ASCII, dBASE III PLUS, or Lotus 1-2-3.
€€ €€
€€ T H E E X E C U T I V E D E S K R E G I S T E R €€
€€ €€
€€ O F P U B L I C L Y H E L D C O R P O R A T I O N S €€
€€ €€
€€ €€
€€ The Executive Desk Register of Publicly Held Corporations is a €€
€€ database that contains all of the approximately 5,OOO domestic €€
€€ corporations and financial institutions currently trading on €€
€€ the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, and €€
€€ the NASDAQ National Market System. Each record provides: €€
€€ €€
€€ ** Full company name €€
€€ ** Street address €€
€€ ** City, state, & zip code €€
€€ ** Telephone number €€
€€ ** Fax number where available €€
€€ ** Ticker symbol €€
€€ ** Exchange affiliation €€
€€ ** Chief Executive Officer €€
€€ ** Chief Financial Officer €€
€€ ** Industry classification €€
€€ €€
€€ The Executive Desk Register is updated daily and published monthly €€
€€ by Demand Research Corporation on IBM PC diskettes in standard €€
€€ ASCII text, comma-delimited ASCII, dBASE III PLUS, or Lotus 1-2-3. €€
€€ €€
€€ The cost for one month's edition is $59.95 direct from Demand €€
€€ Research. Four quarterly editions are $100. A 12-edition monthly €€
€€ subscription is $249. €€
€€ €€
€€ There is no charge for postage or handling, and there is no charge €€
€€ for sales tax. All orders are shipped within 24 hours of receipt. €€
€€ Mail orders for the The Executive Desk Register should be sent to: €€
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€€ Demand Research Corporation €€
€€ Publications Division €€
€€ 625 North Michigan Avenue €€
€€ Chicago, Illinois 6O611 €€
€€ €€
€€ When ordering, please specify diskette format (standard ASCII text, €€
€€ comma-delimited ASCII, dBase, or Lotus) and type (5.25" or 3.5"). €€
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€€ Telephone orders for The Executive Desk Register can be placed at €€
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€€ €€
A. L. Laboratories, Inc. One Executive Dr.
Ft. Lee, NJ 07024 201-947-7774 BMD NYSE
Controller : Mr. Thomas E. Wagner
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Drugs - generic
AM International, Inc. 333 W. Wacker Dr., Ste. 900
Chicago, IL 60606 312-558-1966 AM NYSE
Controller : Mr. Thomas D. Rooney
Title : Vice President and Corporate Controller
Industry : Office equipment & supplies
AMAX Inc. 200 Park Ave.
New York, NY 10166 212-856-4200 AMX NYSE
Controller : Mr. Charles Toder
Title : Controller
Industry : Metal ores - misc.
AMP Inc. PO Box 3608
Harrisburg, PA 17105 717-564-0100 AMP NYSE
Controller : Mr. David C. Cornelius
Title : Controller
Industry : Electrical connectors
AMRE, Inc. 8585 N. Stemmons Freeway
Irving, TX 75247 214-819-7000 AMM NYSE
Controller : Mr. Jerry D. Foster
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Building products - doors & trim
AMSCO International, Inc. 500 Grant St., Ste. 5000
Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412-338-6500 ASZ NYSE
Controller : Mr. Steven F. Kreger
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Medical products
ARCO Chemical Co. 3801 W. Chester Pike
Newtown Square, PA 19073 215-359-2000 RCM NYSE
Controller : Mr. Allan L. Comstock
Title : Vice President, Planning and Control
Industry : Chemicals - specialty
ARTRA GROUP Inc. 500 Central Ave.
Northfield, IL 60093 708-441-6650 ATA NYSE
Controller : Mr. Lawrence D. Levin
Title : Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
ASARCO Inc. 180 Maiden Lane
New York, NY 10038 212-510-2000 AR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Ronald J. O'Keefe
Title : Controller
Industry : Metals - non ferrous
Acme-Cleveland Corp. 30195 Chagrin Blvd.
Cleveland, OH 44124 216-292-2100 AMT NYSE
Controller : Mr. Earl J. Bellisario
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Acuson Corp. 1220 Charleston Rd.
Mountain View, CA 94039 415-969-9112 ACN NYSE
Controller : Mr. L. Thomas Morse
Title : Vice President, Corporate Controller
Industry : Medical instruments
Aetna Life and Casualty Co. 151 Farmington Ave.
Hartford, CT 06156 203-273-0123 AET NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert E. Broatch
Title : Vice President and Corporate Controller
Industry : Insurance - multi line & misc.
Affiliated Publications, Inc. 135 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02107 617-929-3300 AFP NYSE
Controller : Mr. Paul R. Norman
Title : Controller
Industry : Publishing - newspapers
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. 7201 Hamilton Blvd.
Allentown, PA 18195 215-481-4911 APD NYSE
Controller : Mr. Leo J. Daley
Title : Vice President and Corporate Controller
Industry : Chemicals - specialty
Albany International Corp. 1373 Broadway
Albany, NY 12204 518-445-2200 AIN NYSE
Controller : Mr. Richard A. Carlstrom
Title : Controller
Industry : Paper & paper products
Alberto-Culver Co. 2525 Armitage Ave.
Melrose Park, IL 60160 708-450-3000 ACV NYSE
Controller : Mr. William J. Cernugel
Title : Vice President, Finance and Controller
Industry : Cosmetics & toiletries
Albertson's, Inc. 250 Parkcenter Blvd.
Boise, ID 83726 208-385-6200 ABS NYSE
Controller : Mr. Richard J. Navarro
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Retail - supermarkets
Alco Standard Corp. 825 Duportail Rd.
Valley Forge, PA 19087 215-296-8000 ASN NYSE
Controller : Mr. Thomas L. Simpson
Title : Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Alexander's, Inc. 500 Seventh Ave.
New York, NY 10018 212-560-2121 ALX NYSE
Controller : Mr. Brian M. Kurtz
Title : Senior Vice President and Controller
Industry : Retail - discount & variety
Alleghany Corp. Park Avenue Plaza
New York, NY 10055 212-752-1356 Y NYSE
Controller : Mr. Peter R. Sismondo
Title : Vice President, Controller and Assistant Secretary
Industry : Financial - business services
Allegheny Ludlum Corp. 1000 Six PPG Place
Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-394-2800 ALS NYSE
Controller : Mr. Richard Roeser
Title : Controller
Industry : Steel - specialty alloys
Alliance Capital Management L.P. 1345 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10105 212-969-1000 AC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert H. Joseph, Jr.
Title : Senior Vice President and Controller
Industry : Financial - investment management
Alliant Techsystems Inc. 5901 Lincoln Dr.
Edina, MN 55436 612-939-2000 ATK NYSE
Controller : Mr. David W. Beckley
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Weapons & weapon systems
Allied Products Corp. 10 S. Riverside Plaza
Chicago, IL 60606 312-454-1020 ADP NYSE
Controller : Mr. Larry D. Smith
Title : Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Aluminum Company of America 1501 Alcoa Building
Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412-553-4545 AA NYSE
Controller : Mr. Earnest J. Edwards
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Metals - non ferrous
Amax Gold Inc. 350 Indiana St.
Golden, CO 80401 303-273-0600 AU NYSE
Controller : Ms. Pamela L. Saxton
Title : Controller
Industry : Gold mining & processing
American Brands, Inc. 1700 E. Putnam Ave.
Old Greenwich, CT 06870 203-698-5000 AMB NYSE
Controller : Mr. Joseph J. Griffin
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Tobacco
American Capital Bond Fund, Inc. 2800 Post Oak Blvd.
Houston, TX 77056 713-993-0500 ACB NYSE
Controller : Ms. Sallie P. Diederich
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Financial - investment management
American Capital Convertible Securities, Inc. 2800 Post Oak Blvd.
Houston, TX 77056 713-993-0500 ACS NYSE
Controller : Ms. Sallie P. Diederich
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Financial - investment management
American Capital Income Trust 2800 Post Oak Blvd.
Houston, TX 77056 713-993-0500 ACD NYSE
Controller : Ms. Sallie P. Diederich
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Financial - investment management
American General Corp. 2929 Allen Parkway
Houston, TX 77019 713-522-1111 AGC NYSE
Controller : Ms. Joan K. Cohen
Title : Controller
Industry : Insurance - life
American Health Properties, Inc. 6400 S. Fiddler's Green Circle
Englewood, CO 80111 303-796-9793 AHE NYSE
Controller : Mr. Michael J. McGee
Title : Controller
Industry : Real estate investment trust
American Oil and Gas Corp. 333 Clay St., Ste. 2000
Houston, TX 77002 713-739-2900 AOG NYSE
Controller : Mr. Thomas H. Fanning
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - production & pipeline
American Precision Industries Inc. 2777 Walden Ave.
Buffalo, NY 14225 716-684-9700 APR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Thomas M. Huebsch
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Electrical products - misc.
American President Companies, Ltd. 1111 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94607 510-272-8000 APS NYSE
Controller : Mr. William J. Stuebgen
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Transportation - shipping
American Savings Bank 99 Church St.
White Plains, NY 10601 914-287-2600 ASB NYSE
Controller : Mr. Joseph C. LaMagna
Title : Senior Vice President and Controller
Industry : Financial - savings and loans
Ameron, Inc. 4700 Ramona Blvd.
Monterey Park, CA 91754 213-268-4111 AMN NYSE
Controller : Mr. Raimund Brendel
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Building products - misc.
Amoco Corp. 200 E. Randolph Dr.
Chicago, IL 60601 312-856-6111 AN NYSE
Controller : Mr. John L. Carl
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - US integrated
Ampco-Pittsburgh Corp. 600 Grant St., Ste. 4600
Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412-456-4400 AP NYSE
Controller : Mr. Sidney Wasser
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Metal processing & fabrication
Anacomp, Inc. 11550 N. Meridian St.
Indianapolis, IN 46240 317-844-9666 AAC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Donald L. Viles
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Computers - services
Anadarko Petroleum Corp. 16855 Northchase Dr.
Houston, TX 77251 713-875-1101 APC NYSE
Controller : Mr. James R. Larson
Title : Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - US exploration & production
Angelica Corp. 10176 Corporate Square Dr.
St. Louis, MO 63132 314-854-3800 AGL NYSE
Controller : Mr. L. Linden Mann
Title : Controller
Industry : Linen supply & related
Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. One Busch Place
St. Louis, MO 63118 314-577-3314 BUD NYSE
Controller : Mr. Osmond Conrad
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Beverages - alcoholic
Aon Corp. 123 N. Wacker Dr.
Chicago, IL 60606 312-701-3000 AOC NYSE
Controller : Mr. James D. White
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Insurance - accident & health
Apache Corp. 1700 Lincoln St., Ste. 1900
Denver, CO 80203 303-837-5000 APA NYSE
Controller : Mr. Mark A. Jackson
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - US exploration & production
Applied Magnetics Corp. 75 Robin Hill Rd.
Goleta, CA 93117 805-683-5353 APM NYSE
Controller : Mr. Steven M. Neil
Title : Controller
Industry : Computers - peripheral equipment
Aquarion Co. 835 Main St.
Bridgeport, CT 06601 203-367-6621 WTR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Russell B. Hintz
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - water supply
Arctic Alaska Fisheries Corp. Fishermen's Terminal
Seattle, WA 98119 206-282-3445 ICE NYSE
Controller : Mr. Clayton D. Fleming
Title : Controller
Industry : Food - meat products
Arkla, Inc. PO Box 21734
Shreveport, LA 71151 318-429-2700 ALG NYSE
Controller : Mr. Jack W. Ellis, II
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Utility - gas distribution
Armco Inc. 300 Interpace Parkway
Parsippany, NJ 07054 201-316-5200 AS NYSE
Controller : Mr. William H. Schaar
Title : Corporate Vice President and Controller
Industry : Steel - production
Armstrong World Industries, Inc. 313 W. Liberty St.
Lancaster, PA 17604 717-397-0611 ACK NYSE
Controller : Mr. Bruce A. Leech, Jr.
Title : Controller
Industry : Building products - misc.
Arrow Electronics, Inc. 25 Hub Dr.
Melville, NY 11747 516-391-1300 ARW NYSE
Controller : Mr. Thomas S. Catalano
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Electronics - parts distribution
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Two Pierce Place
Itasca, IL 60143 708-773-3800 AJG NYSE
Controller : Mr. David B. Hoch
Title : Controller
Industry : Insurance - brokerage
Ashland Coal, Inc. 2205 Fifth Street Rd.
Huntington, WV 25701 304-526-3333 ACI NYSE
Controller : Mr. William M. Gerrick
Title : Controller
Industry : Coal
Ashland Oil, Inc. 1000 Ashland Dr.
Russell, KY 41169 606-329-3333 ASH NYSE
Controller : Mr. Kenneth B. Denton
Title : Administrative Vice President, Controller
Industry : Oil refining & marketing
Asia Pacific Fund, Inc. One Seaport Plaza
New York, NY 10292 212-214-3334 APB NYSE
Controller : Mr. Joel S. Hecht
Title : Controller
Industry : Financial - investment management
Athlone Industries, Inc. 220 Webro Rd.
Parsippany, NJ 07054 201-887-9100 ATH NYSE
Controller : Mr. William L. Ginna, Jr.
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Steel - specialty alloys
Atlanta Gas Light Co. 235 Peachtree St., N.E.
Atlanta, GA 30302 404-584-4000 ATG NYSE
Controller : Mr. J. Michael Riley
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Utility - gas distribution
Atlantic Energy, Inc. 1199 Black Horse Pike
Pleasantville, NJ 08232 609-645-4500 ATE NYSE
Controller : Mr. Lance E. Cooper
Title : Vice President, Control and Assistant Treasurer
Industry : Utility - electric power
Atlas Corp. 370 Seventeenth St., Ste. 3150
Denver, CO 80202 303-825-1200 AZ NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert T. Exby
Title : Controller and Assistant Secretary
Industry : Gold mining & processing
Augat Inc. 89 Forbes Blvd.
Mansfield, MA 02048 508-543-4300 AUG NYSE
Controller : Mr. Daniel J. Maher, Jr.
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Electrical connectors
Automatic Data Processing, Inc. One ADP Blvd.
Roseland, NJ 07068 201-994-5000 AUD NYSE
Controller : Mr. Richard J. Haviland
Title : Controller
Industry : Computers - services
Avery Dennison Corp. 150 N. Orange Grove Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91103 818-304-2000 AVY NYSE
Controller : Mr. Gary A. McCue
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Office & art materials
Avnet, Inc. 80 Cutter Mill Rd.
Great Neck, NY 11021 516-466-7000 AVT NYSE
Controller : Mr. Raymond Sadowski
Title : Vice President, Controller, and Assistant Secretary
Industry : Electronics - parts distribution
Avon Products, Inc. 9 West 57th St.
New York, NY 10019 212-546-6015 AVP NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert J. Conologue
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Cosmetics & toiletries
Aydin Corp. 700 Dresher Rd.
Horsham, PA 19044 215-657-7510 AYD NYSE
Controller : Mr. Herbert Welber
Title : Controller and Assistant Treasurer
Industry : Electronics - military
BFGoodrich Co. 3925 Embassy Parkway
Akron, OH 44333 216-374-3985 GR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Donald G. Barger, Jr.
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Chemicals - diversified
BJ Services Co. 5500 N.W. Central Dr.
Houston, TX 77210 713-462-4239 BJS NYSE
Controller : Mr. Matthew D. Fitzgerald
Title : Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - field services
BMC Industries, Inc. Two Appletree Square
Minneapolis, MN 55425 612-851-6000 BMC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Michael P. Hawks
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Medical & dental supplies
Baker Hughes, Inc. 3900 Essex Lane
Houston, TX 77027 713-439-8600 BHI NYSE
Controller : Mr. G. S. Finley
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Oil field machinery & equipment
Ball Corp. 345 S. High St., PO Box 2407
Muncie, IN 47307 317-747-6100 BLL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Albert R. Schlesinger
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Glass products
Banc One Corp. 100 E. Broad St.
Columbus, OH 43271 614-248-5944 ONE NYSE
Controller : Mr. William C. Leiter
Title : Controller
Industry : Banks - midwest
Bancorp Hawaii, Inc. 130 Merchant St.
Honolulu, HI 96813 808-537-8111 BOH NYSE
Controller : Mr. Denis K. Isono
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Banks - west
Bangor Hydro-Electric Co. 33 State St.
Bangor, ME 04401 207-945-5621 BGR NYSE
Controller : Mr. David R. Black
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
BankAmerica Corp. Bank of America Center
San Francisco, CA 94104 415-622-3456 BAC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Joseph B. Tharp
Title : Executive Vice President and Financial Controller
Industry : Banks - west
Bankers Trust New York Corp. 280 Park Ave.
New York, NY 10017 212-250-2500 BT NYSE
Controller : Mr. Richard J. Carbone
Title : Senior Vice President and Controller
Industry : Banks - money center
Barnes Group Inc. 123 Main St.
Bristol, CT 06010 203-583-7070 B NYSE
Controller : Mr. John J. Locher
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Wire & cable products
Battle Mountain Gold Co. 333 Clay St., 42nd Fl.
Houston, TX 77002 713-650-6400 BMG NYSE
Controller : Mr. H. L. Sarles
Title : Controller
Industry : Gold mining & processing
Bausch & Lomb Inc. One Lincoln First Square
Rochester, NY 14601 716-338-6000 BOL NYSE
Controller : Mr. James J. Ward
Title : Controller
Industry : Medical products
Baxter International Inc. One Baxter Parkway
Deerfield, IL 60015 708-948-2000 BAX NYSE
Controller : Mr. Melvyn R. Kalas
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Medical products
Bay State Gas Co. 300 Friberg Parkway
Westborough, MA 01581 508-836-7000 BGC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Stephen J. Curran
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - gas distribution
Bear Stearns Companies Inc. 245 Park Ave.
New York, NY 10167 212-272-2000 BSC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Michael J. Abatemarco
Title : Controller
Industry : Financial - investment bankers
Beckman Instruments, Inc. 2500 Harbor Blvd.
Fullerton, CA 92634 714-871-4848 BEC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Eugeene L. Babcock
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Medical instruments
Becton Dickinson and Co. 1 Becton Dr.
Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417 201-848-6800 BDX NYSE
Controller : Mr. Geoffrey D. Cheatham
Title : Vice President and Treasurer
Industry : Medical & dental supplies
Belding Heminway Co., Inc. 1430 Broadway
New York, NY 10018 212-556-4700 BHY NYSE
Controller : Mr. Charles J. Palermo
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Textiles - mill products
Bell Atlantic Corp. 1600 Market St.
Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-963-6000 BEL NYSE
Controller : Mr. William L. Barden
Title : Vice President, Finance and Controller
Industry : Utility - telephone
Bemis Co., Inc. 625 Marquette Ave.
Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-340-6000 BMS NYSE
Controller : Ms. LeRoy F. Bazany
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Containers - paper & plastic
Beneficial Corp. 400 Bellevue Parkway
Wilmington, DE 19809 302-798-0800 BNL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Ronald E. Bombolis
Title : Senior Vice President and Controller
Industry : Financial - consumer loans
Berkshire Hathaway Inc. 1440 Kiewit Plaza
Omaha, NE 68131 402-346-1400 BRK NYSE
Controller : Mr. Daniel J. Jaksich
Title : Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Bethlehem Steel Corp.
Bethlehem, PA 18016 215-694-2424 BS NYSE
Controller : Mr. Lonnie A. Arnett
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Steel - production
Biocraft Laboratories, Inc. 18-01 River Rd.
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 201-703-0400 BCL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Brian S. Snyder
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Drugs - generic
Birmingham Steel Corp. 3000 Riverchase Galleria
Birmingham, AL 35244 205-985-9290 BIR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert E. Powell
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Steel - production
Black Hills Corp. 625 Ninth St.
Rapid City, SD 57709 605-348-1700 BKH NYSE
Controller : Mr. Gary R. Fish
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Blockbuster Entertainment Corp. 901 E. Las Olas Blvd.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301 305-524-8200 BV NYSE
Controller : Mr. Cary N. Vollintine
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Retail - misc.
Boeing Co. 7755 E. Marginal Way South
Seattle, WA 98108 206-655-2121 BA NYSE
Controller : Mr. A. H. Lowell
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Aerospace - aircraft equipment
Boise Cascade Corp. One Jefferson Square
Boise, ID 83728 208-384-6161 BCC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Theodore Crumley
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Paper & paper products
Borden Chemicals and Plastics L.P. Highway 73
Geismar, LA 70734 504-387-5101 BCU NYSE
Controller : Mr. James M. Hess
Title : Controller
Industry : Chemicals - diversified
Borden, Inc. 277 Park Ave.
New York, NY 10172 212-573-4000 BN NYSE
Controller : Mr. James M. Hess
Title : General Controller
Industry : Food - dairy products
Boston Edison Co. 800 Boylston St.
Boston, MA 02199 617-424-2000 BSE NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert J. Weafer, Jr.
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Bowater Inc. One Parklands Dr., PO Box 4012
Darien, CT 06820 203-656-7200 BOW NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert C. Lancaster
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Paper & paper products
Briggs & Stratton Corp. 12301 W. Wirth St.
Wauwatosa, WI 53222 414-259-5333 BGG NYSE
Controller : Mr. James E. Brenn
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Engines - internal combustion
Broad Inc. 11601 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90025 213-312-5000 BRO NYSE
Controller : Mr. Scott L. Robinson
Title : Senior Vice President and Controller
Industry : Insurance - life
Brown & Sharpe Manufacturing Co. Precision Park
North Kingstown, RI 02852 401-886-2000 BNS NYSE
Controller : Mr. John M. Lochner
Title : Controller
Industry : Electronics - measuring instruments
Brown Group, Inc. 8400 Maryland Ave., PO Box 29
St. Louis, MO 63166 314-854-4000 BG NYSE
Controller : Mr. William S. Frederick
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Shoes & related apparel
Brunswick Corp. One Brunswick Plaza
Skokie, IL 60077 708-470-4700 BC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Thomas K. Erwin
Title : Controller
Industry : Leisure & recreational products
Brush Wellman Inc. 17876 St. Clair Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44110 216-486-4200 BW NYSE
Controller : Mr. Thomas G. Maschke
Title : Controller
Industry : Electrical products - misc.
Burlington Coat Factory Warehouse Corp. 1830 Route 130
Burlington, NJ 08016 609-387-7800 BCF NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert L. LaPenta, Jr.
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Retail - apparel & shoes
Burlington Resources Inc. 999 Third Ave.
Seattle, WA 98104 206-467-3838 BR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Bradley A. Berg
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - US exploration & production
C. R. Bard, Inc. 730 Central Ave.
Murray Hill, NJ 07974 908-277-8000 BCR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Terence C. Brady, Jr.
Title : Senior Vice President and Controller
Industry : Medical & dental supplies
CBI Industries, Inc. 800 Jorie Blvd.
Oak Brook, IL 60522 708-572-7000 CBH NYSE
Controller : Mr. James F. Cekal
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Construction - heavy
CILCORP Inc. 300 Hamilton Blvd.
Peoria, IL 61602 309-675-8850 CER NYSE
Controller : Mr. T. D. Hutchinson
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
CMS Energy Corp. 330 Town Center Dr., Ste. 1100
Dearborn, MI 48126 313-436-9261 CMS NYSE
Controller : Mr. Preston D. Hopper
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
CONSTAR International Inc. PO Box 6339
Chattanooga, TN 37401 615-267-2973 CTR NYSE
Controller : Mr. R. Steele Jones
Title : Controller
Industry : Containers - paper & plastic
CONVEX Computer Corp. 3000 Waterview Parkway
Richardson, TX 75080 214-497-4000 CNX NYSE
Controller : Mr. David W. Craig
Title : Vice President, Controller and Assistant Secretary
Industry : Computers - mini & micro
CSX Corp. 901 E. Cary St.
Richmond, VA 23219 804-782-1400 CSX NYSE
Controller : Mr. Gregory R. Weber
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Transportation - rail
CTS Corp. 905 West Blvd. North
Elkhart, IN 46514 219-293-7511 CTS NYSE
Controller : Mr. George T. Newhart
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Electrical components - misc.
Cabot Corp. 75 State St.
Boston, MA 02109 617-345-0100 CBT NYSE
Controller : Mr. William R. Thompson
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Chemicals - specialty
Cabot Oil & Gas Corp. 15375 Memorial Dr.
Houston, TX 77079 713-589-4600 COG NYSE
Controller : Mr. Thomas L. Gage
Title : Controller and Assistant Treasurer
Industry : Oil & gas - US exploration & production
Cadence Design Systems, Inc. 555 River Oaks Parkway
San Jose, CA 95134 408-943-1234 CDN NYSE
Controller : Mr. Ronald J. Tchorzewski
Title : Vice President and Corporate Controller
Industry : Computers - software
Caesars World, Inc. 1801 Century Park East
Los Angeles, CA 90067 213-552-2711 CAW NYSE
Controller : Mr. Bruce C. Hinckley
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Leisure & recreational services
CalFed Inc. 5700 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90036 213-932-4200 CAL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Gary W. Brummett
Title : Senior Vice President and Controller
Industry : Financial - savings and loans
CalMat Co. 3200 San Fernando Rd.
Los Angeles, CA 90065 213-258-2777 CZM NYSE
Controller : Mr. Edward J. Kelly
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Construction - cement & concrete
Calgon Carbon Corp. 400 Calgon Carbon Dr.
Pittsburgh, PA 15205 412-787-6700 CCC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Clarence J. Kenney
Title : Controller
Industry : Pollution control equipment & services
Capital Cities/ABC, Inc. 77 W. 66th St.
New York, NY 10023 212-456-7777 CCB NYSE
Controller : Mr. Allan J. Edelson
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Broadcasting - radio & TV
Carlisle Companies Inc. 101 S. Salina St., Ste. 800
Syracus, NY 13202 315-474-2500 CSL NYSE
Controller : Mr. James B. Pineau
Title : Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Carolina Power & Light Co. 411 Fayetteville St.
Raleigh, NC 27601 919-546-6111 CPL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Paul S. Bradshaw
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Carpenter Technology Corp. 101 W. Bern St.
Reading, PA 19612 215-371-2000 CRS NYSE
Controller : Mr. Edward B. Bruno
Title : Controller
Industry : Steel - specialty alloys
Cash America International, Inc. 1600 W. 7th St.
Ft. Worth, TX 76102 817-335-1100 PWN NYSE
Controller : Mr. D. Eugene Kellough
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Retail - misc.
Caterpillar Inc. 100 NE Adams St.
Peoria, IL 61629 309-675-1000 CAT NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert C. Gallagher
Title : Controller
Industry : Machinery - construction & mining
Centel Corp. 311 S. Wacker Dr., Ste. 5200
Chicago, IL 60606 312-399-2500 CNT NYSE
Controller : Mr. John P. Meyer
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Utility - telephone
Centerior Energy Corp. 6200 Oak Tree Blvd.
Independence, OH 44131 216-447-3100 CX NYSE
Controller : Mr. Paul G. Busby
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Centex Corp. 3333 Lee Parkway, Ste. 1200
Dallas, TX 75219 214-559-6500 CTX NYSE
Controller : Mr. Michael S. Albright
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Building - residential & commercial
Central Louisiana Electric Co., Inc. 2030 Donahue Ferry Rd.
Pineville, LA 71360 318-484-7400 CNL NYSE
Controller : Mr. John L. Baltes, Jr.
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Central Vermont Public Service Corp. 77 Grove St.
Rutland, VT 05701 802-773-2711 CV NYSE
Controller : Mr. Daniel A. Doyle
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Central and South West Corp. 1616 Woodall Rodgers Freeway
Dallas, TX 75266 214-754-1000 CSR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Michael D. Smith
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Century Telephone Enterprises, Inc. 1900 N. 18th St., Ste. 700
Monroe, LA 71211 318-388-9500 CTL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Murray H. Greer
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - telephone
Champion International Corp. One Champion Plaza
Stamford, CT 06921 203-358-7000 CHA NYSE
Controller : Mr. John M. Nimons
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Paper & paper products
Charles Schwab Corp. 101 Montgomery St.
San Francisco, CA 94104 415-627-7000 SCH NYSE
Controller : Mr. D. Drew Dowsett
Title : Controller
Industry : Financial - investment bankers
Charter Co. One E. Fourth St.
Cincinnati, OH 45202 513-579-2482 CHR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Don Cacchiotti
Title : Controller
Industry : Oil refining & marketing
Chase Manhattan Corp. 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza
New York, NY 10081 212-552-2222 CMB NYSE
Controller : Mr. Lester J. Stephens, Jr.
Title : Senior Vice President and Controller
Industry : Banks - money center
Chemed Corp. 1200 DuBois Tower
Cincinnati, OH 45202 513-762-6900 CHE NYSE
Controller : Mr. Arthur V. Tucker
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Chemicals - specialty
Chemical Banking Corp. 277 Park Ave.
New York, NY 10172 212-310-6161 CHL NYSE
Controller : Mr. James J. Latchford
Title : Controller
Industry : Banks - money center
Chiquita Brands International, Inc. 250 E. Fifth St.
Cincinnati, OH 45202 513-784-8000 CQB NYSE
Controller : Mr. William A. Tsacalis
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Food - misc.
Christiana Companies, Inc. 777 E. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53202 414-291-9000 CST NYSE
Controller : Ms. Betty J. White
Title : Controller
Industry : Real estate development
Chrysler Corp. 12000 Chrysler Dr.
Highland Park, MI 48288 313-956-5741 C NYSE
Controller : Mr. James D. Donlon, III
Title : Controller
Industry : Automotive manufacturing
Church & Dwight Co., Inc. 469 N. Harrison St.
Princeton, NJ 08543 609-683-5900 CHD NYSE
Controller : Mr. Gary P. Halker
Title : Controller
Industry : Soap & cleaning preparations
Chyron Corp. 265 Spagnoli Rd.
Melville, NY 11747 516-845-2000 CHY NYSE
Controller : Mr. Thomas J. Clarke
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Video equipment
Cincinnati Gas & Electric Co. 139 E. Fourth St.
Cincinnati, OH 45202 513-381-2000 CIN NYSE
Controller : Mr. Daniel R. Herche
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Cincinnati Milacron Inc. 4701 Marburg Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45209 513-841-8100 CMZ NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert P. Lienesch
Title : Controller
Industry : Machine tools & related products
Circuit City Stores, Inc. 9950 Mayland Dr.
Richmond, VA 23233 804-257-4000 CC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Keith D. Browning
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Retail - consumer electronics
Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. 1100 Superior Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44114 216-694-5700 CLF NYSE
Controller : Mr. James A. Trethewey
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Iron ores
Clorox Co. 1221 Broadway
Oakland, CA 94612 415-271-7000 CLX NYSE
Controller : Mr. Henry J. Salvo, Jr.
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Soap & cleaning preparations
Coachmen Industries, Inc. 601 E. Beardsley Ave.
Elkhart, IN 46514 219-262-0123 COA NYSE
Controller : Mr. William M. Angelo
Title : Controller
Industry : Building - mobile homes & RV
Coast Savings Financial, Inc. 1000 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90017 213-362-2000 CSA NYSE
Controller : Mr. Gerald I. Rich
Title : Senior Vice President, Controller
Industry : Financial - savings and loans
Coastal Corp. Nine Greenway Plaza
Houston, TX 77046 713-877-1400 CGP NYSE
Controller : Mr. Coby C. Hesse
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - production & pipeline
Coca-Cola Co. One Coca-Cola Plaza, N.W.
Atlanta, GA 30313 404-676-2121 KO NYSE
Controller : Mr. Patrick M. Worsham
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Beverages - soft drinks
Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc. Coca-Cola Plaza, N.W.
Atlanta, GA 30313 404-676-2100 CCE NYSE
Controller : Mr. W. Lamar Chesney
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Beverages - soft drinks
Coeur d'Alene Mines Corp. 505 Front Ave., PO Box "I"
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 208-667-3511 CDE NYSE
Controller : Mr. Thomas T. Angelos
Title : Controller
Industry : Silver mining & processing
Colgate-Palmolive Co. 300 Park Ave.
New York, NY 10022 212-310-2000 CL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Stephen C. Patrick
Title : Vice President, Corporate Controller
Industry : Soap & cleaning preparations
Columbia Gas System, Inc. 20 Montchanin Rd.
Wilmington, DE 19807 302-429-5000 CG NYSE
Controller : Mr. Richard E. Lowe
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - production & pipeline
Comerica Inc. 211 W. Fort St.
Detroit, MI 48275 313-222-3300 CMA NYSE
Controller : Mr. Arthur W. Hermann
Title : Senior Vice President and Controller
Industry : Banks - midwest
Commercial Intertech Corp. 1775 Logan Ave.
Youngstown, OH 44505 216-746-8011 TEC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Steven J. Hewitt
Title : Controller
Industry : Machinery - construction & mining
Commercial Metals Co. 7800 Stemmons Freeway
Dallas, TX 75247 214-689-4300 CMC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Jack T. Mulos
Title : Controller
Industry : Metal processing & fabrication
Commodore International Ltd. 1200 Wilson Dr.
West Chester, PA 19380 215-431-9100 CBU NYSE
Controller : Mr. Anthony D. Ricci
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Computers - mini & micro
Communications Satellite Corp. 950 L'Enfant Plaza, S.W.
Washington, DC 20024 202-863-6000 CQ NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert J. Myer, Jr.
Title : Controller
Industry : Telecommunications services
Computer Sciences Corp. 2100 E. Grand Ave.
El Segundo, CA 90245 310-615-0311 CSC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Denis M. Crane
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Computers - services
ConAgra, Inc. One ConAgra Dr.
Omaha, NE 68102 402-595-4000 CAG NYSE
Controller : Mr. Dwight J. Goslee
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Food - meat products
Conseco, Inc. 11825 N. Pennsylvania St.
Carmel, IN 46032 317-573-6100 CNC NYSE
Controller : Mr. K. Lowell Short, Jr.
Title : Senior Vice President and Controller
Industry : Insurance - life
Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 4 Irving Place
New York, NY 10003 212-460-4600 ED NYSE
Controller : Mr. Carl W. Greene
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Consolidated Freightways, Inc. 3240 Hillview Ave.
Palo Alto, CA 94303 415-494-2900 CNF NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert E. Wrightson
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Transportation - truck
Consolidated Rail Corp. Six Penn Center Plaza
Philadelphia, PA 19103 215-977-4000 CRR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Donald W. Mattson
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Transportation - rail
Continental Bank Corp. 231 S. LaSalle St.
Chicago, IL 60697 312-828-7490 CBK NYSE
Controller : Mr. John J. Higgins
Title : Controller
Industry : Banks - money center
Continental Medical Systems, Inc. 600 Wilson Lane
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 717-790-8300 CNM NYSE
Controller : Mr. Scott A. Romberger
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Nursing homes
Continuum Co., Inc. 9500 Arboretum Blvd.
Austin, TX 78759 512-345-5700 CNU NYSE
Controller : Ms. Lou Anne Gilmore
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Computers - services
Cooper Industries, Inc. First City Tower, Ste. 4000
Houston, TX 77002 713-739-5400 CBE NYSE
Controller : Mr. Donald R. Sheley, Jr.
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Cooper Tire & Rubber Co. Lima and Western Aves.
Findlay, OH 45840 419-423-1321 CTB NYSE
Controller : Mr. Julien A. Faisant
Title : Vice President and Corporate Controller
Industry : Rubber tires
Corning Inc. Houghton Park
Corning, NY 14831 607-974-9000 GLW NYSE
Controller : Mr. Richard B. Klein
Title : Senior Vice President, Controller
Industry : Glass products
Craig Corp. 116 N. Robertson Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90048 213-659-6641 CRG NYSE
Controller : Mr. Charles J. Smith
Title : Controller and Assistant Secretary
Industry : Retail - supermarkets
Crane Co. 757 Third Ave.
New York, NY 10017 212-415-7300 CR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Michael L. Raithel
Title : Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Crawford & Co. 5620 Glenridge Dr., N.E.
Atlanta, GA 30342 404-256-0830 CFD NYSE
Controller : Mr. J. F. Giblin
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Insurance - property & casualty
Cray Research, Inc. 655A Lone Oak Dr.
Eagan, MN 55121 612-683-7100 CYR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Laurence L. Betterley
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Computers - mainframe
Critical Care America, Inc. 50 Washington St.
Westborough, MA 01581 508-836-3610 CRA NYSE
Controller : Mr. Russell J. Fichera
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Healthcare - outpatient & home
Crown Cork & Seal Co., Inc. 9300 Ashton Rd.
Philadelphia, PA 19136 215-698-5100 CCK NYSE
Controller : Mr. Timothy J. Donahue
Title : Financial Controller
Industry : Containers - metal
Crystal Brands, Inc. Crystal Brands Rd.
Southport, CT 06490 203-254-6200 CBR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Richard P. Thrush
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Textiles - apparel
Cummins Engine Co., Inc. 500 Jackson St.
Columbus, IN 47202 812-377-5000 CUM NYSE
Controller : Mr. John McLachlan
Title : Vice President, Corporate Controller
Industry : Engines - internal combustion
Cyprus Minerals Co. 9100 E. Mineral Circle
Englewood, CO 80112 303-643-5000 CYM NYSE
Controller : Mr. John Taraba
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Metal ores - misc.
DPL Inc. Courthouse Plaza Southwest
Dayton, OH 45402 513-224-6000 DPL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Paul R. Anderson
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
DQE, Inc. 301 Grant St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15279 412-393-6000 DQE NYSE
Controller : Mr. Raymond H. Panza
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Danaher Corp. 1250 24th St., N.W., Ste. 800
Washington, DC 20037 202-828-0850 DHR NYSE
Controller : Mr. C. Scott Brannan
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Automotive & trucking - original equipment
Data General Corp. 4400 Computer Dr.
Westboro, MA 01580 508-366-8911 DGN NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert C. McBride
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Computers - mini & micro
DeSoto, Inc. 1471 Business Center Dr.
Mt. Prospect, IL 60056 708-391-9000 DSO NYSE
Controller : Ms. Anne E. Eisele
Title : Controller and Secretary
Industry : Paints & allied products
Del Webb Corp. 2231 E. Camelback Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85016 602-468-6800 WBB NYSE
Controller : Mr. David E. Rau
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Real estate operations
Delta Woodside Industries, Inc. 233 N. Main St.
Greenville, SC 29601 803-232-8301 DLW NYSE
Controller : Ms. Jean Carrick
Title : Controller
Industry : Textiles - apparel
Deluxe Corp. 1080 W. County Rd. F
St. Paul, MN 55126 612-483-7111 DLX NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert R. Nodler
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Paper - business forms
Destec Energy, Inc. 2500 CityWest Blvd., Ste. 150
Houston, TX 77042 713-735-4000 ENG NYSE
Controller : Mr. R. Denis Martin
Title : Controller
Industry : Energy - cogeneration
Diagnostek, Inc. 4500 Alexander Blvd. N.E.
Albuquerque, NM 87107 505-345-8080 DXK NYSE
Controller : Mr. Christopher Ritchie
Title : Vice President, Corporate Controller
Industry : Healthcare - outpatient & home
Dial Corp. Dial Tower
Phoenix, AZ 85077 602-207-4000 DL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Richard C. Stephan
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Dial REIT, Inc. 11506 Nicholas St., Ste. 205
Omaha, NE 68154 402-496-7184 DR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Michael T. Nealon
Title : Controller
Industry : Real estate operations
Diamond Shamrock Offshore Partners L.P. 717 N. Harwood St.
Dallas, TX 75201 214-953-2000 DSP NYSE
Controller : Mr. Glen R. Brown
Title : Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - US exploration & production
Diamond Shamrock, Inc. 9830 Colonnade Blvd.
San Antonio, TX 78230 512-641-6800 DRM NYSE
Controller : Mr. Gary E. Johnson
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Oil refining & marketing
Digital Equipment Corp. 146 Main St.
Maynard, MA 01754 508-493-5111 DEC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Bruce J. Ryan
Title : Vice President and Corporate Controller
Industry : Computers - mini & micro
Dominion Resources, Inc. 701 E. Byrd St.
Richmond, VA 23219 804-775-5700 D NYSE
Controller : Mr. D. L. Heavenridge
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Dover Corp. 280 Park Ave.
New York, NY 10017 212-922-1640 DOV NYSE
Controller : Mr. Alfred Suesser
Title : Controller
Industry : Machinery - general industrial
Dow Chemical Co. 2030 Dow Center
Midland, MI 48674 517-636-1000 DOW NYSE
Controller : Mr. Roger L. Kesseler
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Chemicals - diversified
Downey Savings and Loan Association 3501 Jamboree Rd.
Newport Beach, CA 92626 714-854-3100 DSL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Richard D. Silver
Title : Senior Vice President, Controller
Industry : Financial - savings and loans
Dravo Corp. 3600 One Oliver Plaza
Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-566-3000 DRV NYSE
Controller : Mr. Larry J. Walker
Title : Controller
Industry : Construction - cement & concrete
Dreyfus Corp. 200 Park Ave.
New York, NY 10166 212-922-6000 DRY NYSE
Controller : Mr. Maurice Bendrihem
Title : Controller
Industry : Financial - investment management
Dreyfus Strategic Governments Income, Inc. 144 Glenn Curtiss Blvd.
Uniondale, NY 11556 516-794-5200 DSI NYSE
Controller : Mr. James Windels
Title : Controller
Industry : Financial - investment management
Dreyfus Strategic Municipal Bond Fund, Inc. 144 Glenn Curtiss Blvd.
Uniondale, NY 11556 516-794-5200 DSM NYSE
Controller : Mr. James Windels
Title : Controller
Industry : Financial - investment management
Dreyfus Strategic Municipals, Inc. 144 Glenn Curtiss Blvd.
Uniondale, NY 11556 516-794-5200 LEO NYSE
Controller : Mr. James Windels
Title : Controller
Industry : Financial - investment management
Duke Power Co. 422 S. Church St.
Charlotte, NC 28242 704-373-4011 DUK NYSE
Controller : Mr. David L. Hauser
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Duracell International, Inc. Berkshire Industrial Park
Bethel, CT 06801 203-796-4000 DUR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert A. Burgholzer, Jr.
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Electrical products - misc.
Dycom Industries, Inc. 450 Australian Ave., South
West Palm Beach, FL 33401 407-659-6301 DY NYSE
Controller : Ms. Darline E. Merrell
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Telecommunications equipment
Dynamics Corporation of America 475 Steamboat Rd.
Greenwich, CT 06830 203-869-3211 DYA NYSE
Controller : Mr. M. Gregory Bohnsack
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
E'town Corp. 600 South Ave.
Westfield, NJ 07090 908-654-1234 ETW NYSE
Controller : Mr. Frank L. Critelli
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - water supply
E.W. Scripps Co. PO Box 8985
Wilmington, DE 19899 302-478-4141 SSP NYSE
Controller : Mr. J. Robert Routt
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Publishing - newspapers
EG&G, Inc. 45 William St.
Wellesley, MA 02181 617-237-5100 EGG NYSE
Controller : Mr. John F. Alexander
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Instruments - scientific
ENSERCH Corp. 300 South St. Paul St.
Dallas, TX 75201 214-651-8700 ENS NYSE
Controller : Ms. Annell C. Rogers
Title : Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - production & pipeline
Eagle-Picher Industries, Inc. 580 Walnut St.
Cincinnati, OH 45202 513-721-7010 EPI NYSE
Controller : Mr. Caroll D. Curless
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Eastern Enterprises 9 Riverside Rd.
Weston, MA 02193 617-647-2300 EFU NYSE
Controller : Mr. James J. Harper
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Utility - gas distribution
Eaton Corp. Eaton Center
Cleveland, OH 44114 216-523-5000 ETN NYSE
Controller : Ms. Billie K. Rawot
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Automotive & trucking - original equipment
Echlin Inc. 100 Double Beach Rd.
Branford, CT 06405 203-481-5751 ECH NYSE
Controller : Mr. Richard A. Wisot
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Automotive & trucking - replacement parts
Ecolab Inc. Ecolab Center
St. Paul, MN 55102 612-293-2233 ECL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Bruce J. Bentcover
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Building - maintenance & services
Ekco Group, Inc. 98 Spit Brook Rd., Ste. 102
Nashua, NH 03062 603-888-1212 EKO NYSE
Controller : Mr. Brian R. McQuesten
Title : Controller
Industry : Appliances - household
Empire District Electric Co. 602 Joplin St.
Joplin, MO 64801 417-623-4700 EDE NYSE
Controller : Mr. G. A. Knapp
Title : Controller and Assistant Treasurer
Industry : Utility - electric power
Engelhard Corp. 101 Wood Ave.
Iselin, NJ 08830 908-205-6000 EC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Martin J. Connor, Jr.
Title : Controller
Industry : Chemicals - specialty
Environmental Elements Corp. 3700 Koppers St.
Baltimore, MD 21227 410-368-7000 EEC NYSE
Controller : Mr. James E. Kyne
Title : Controller
Industry : Pollution control equipment & services
Esterline Corp. 10800 NE 8th St.
Bellevue, WA 98004 206-453-9400 ESL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Victor Thompson
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Instruments - control
Ethyl Corp. 330 S. Fourth St., PO Box 2189
Richmond, VA 23217 804-788-5000 EY NYSE
Controller : Mr. Patrick D. Fitzpatrick
Title : Vice President and Corporate Controller
Industry : Chemicals - specialty
FMC Corp. 200 E. Randolph Dr.
Chicago, IL 60601 312-861-6000 FMC NYSE
Controller : Mr. David G. Harmer
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Machinery - general industrial
FMC Gold Co. 5011 Meadowood Way
Reno, NV 89502 702-827-3777 FGL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Edward H. Colt
Title : Controller
Industry : Gold mining & processing
Fabri-Centers of America, Inc. 5555 Darrow Rd.
Hudson, OH 44236 216-656-2600 FCA NYSE
Controller : Mr. Joseph Williams
Title : Senior Vice President and Controller
Industry : Retail - misc.
Fay's, Inc. 7245 Henry Clay Blvd.
Liverpool, NY 13088 315-451-8000 FAY NYSE
Controller : Mr. Paul R. Flanders
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Retail - drug stores
Federal Express Corp. 2005 Corporate Ave.
Memphis, TN 38132 901-369-3600 FDX NYSE
Controller : Mr. Graham R. Smith
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Transportation - air freight
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 8200 Jones Branch Dr.
McLean, VA 22102 800-336-3672 FRE NYSE
Controller : Mr. Ronald J. Majewicz
Title : Senior Vice President, Control
Industry : Financial - mortgages & related services
Federal National Mortgage Association 3900 Wisconsin Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20016 202-752-7000 FNM NYSE
Controller : Mr. Michael A. Quinn
Title : Senior Vice President, Controller
Industry : Financial - mortgages & related services
Federal Paper Board Co., Inc. 75 Chestnut Ridge Rd.
Montvale, NJ 07645 201-391-1776 FBO NYSE
Controller : Mr. Roger L. Sanders, II
Title : Controller
Industry : Paper & paper products
Federal Realty Investment Trust 4800 Hampden Lane, Ste. 500
Bethesda, MD 20814 301-652-3360 FRT NYSE
Controller : Ms. Cecily A. Ward
Title : Trust Controller
Industry : Real estate investment trust
Federal Signal Corp. 1415 W. 22nd St.
Oak Brook, IL 60521 708-954-2000 FSS NYSE
Controller : Mr. Richard L. Ritz
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Federal-Mogul Corp. 26555 Northwestern Highway
Southfield, MI 48034 313-354-7700 FMO NYSE
Controller : Mr. Charles B. Grant
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Automotive & trucking - replacement parts
Federated Department Stores, Inc. 7 W. Seventh St.
Cincinnati, OH 45202 513-579-7000 FD NYSE
Controller : Mr. John E. Brown
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Retail - major department stores
Ferro Corp. 1000 Lakeside Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44144 216-641-8580 FOE NYSE
Controller : Mr. Gary H. Ritondaro
Title : Controller
Industry : Paints & allied products
Fieldcrest Cannon, Inc. 725 N. Regional Rd.
Greensboro, NC 27409 919-665-4300 FLD NYSE
Controller : Mr. Thomas R. Staab
Title : Controller
Industry : Textiles - home furnishings
Filtertek, Inc. PO Box 310, 11411 Price Rd.
Hebron, IL 60034 815-648-2416 FTK NYSE
Controller : Mr. Douglas H. Toussaint
Title : Controller
Industry : Chemicals - fibers
First Brands Corp. 83 Wooster Heights Rd.
Danbury, CT 06813 203-731-2300 FBR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Joseph B. Furey
Title : Controller and Assistant Secretary
Industry : Containers - paper & plastic
First Financial Management Corp. 3 Corporate Square, Ste. 700
Atlanta, GA 30329 404-321-0120 FFM NYSE
Controller : Mr. James L. Edwards
Title : Senior Vice President, Controller
Industry : Computers - services
First Union Corp. One First Union Center
Charlotte, NC 28288 704-374-6161 FTU NYSE
Controller : Mr. James H. Hatch
Title : Senior Vice President and Corporate Controller
Industry : Banks - southeast
First Union Real Estate Eq. & Mort. Investments 55 Public Square, Ste. 1900
Cleveland, OH 44113 216-781-4030 FUR NYSE
Controller : Mr. John J. Dee
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Real estate investment trust
First of America Bank Corp. 108 E. Michigan Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49007 616-376-9000 FOA NYSE
Controller : Mr. Kevin T. Thompson
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Banks - midwest
FirstFed Financial Corp. 401 Wilshire Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90401 310-319-6000 FED NYSE
Controller : Mr. Michael R. Hilton
Title : Senior Vice President, Controller
Industry : Financial - savings and loans
Fleming Companies, Inc. 6301 Waterford Blvd.
Oklahoma City, OK 73126 405-840-7200 FLM NYSE
Controller : Mr. Donald N. Eyler
Title : Senior Vice President, Controller
Industry : Food - wholesale
FlightSafety International, Inc. LaGuardia Airport
Flushing, NY 11371 718-565-4100 FSI NYSE
Controller : Mr. Kenneth W. Motschwiller
Title : Controller
Industry : Schools
Florida Progress Corp. One Progress Plaza
St. Petersburg, FL 33701 813-824-6400 FPC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Dan R. Johnson
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Flowers Industries, Inc. PO Box 1338
Thomasville, GA 31799 912-226-9110 FLO NYSE
Controller : Mr. Peter W. Hjort, Jr.
Title : Controller
Industry : Food - misc.
Ford Motor Co. The American Road
Dearborn, MI 48121 313-322-3000 F NYSE
Controller : Mr. Murray L. Reichenstein
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Automotive manufacturing
Foster Wheeler Corp. Perryville Corporate Park
Clinton, NJ 08809 908-730-4000 FWC NYSE
Controller : Mr. George S. White
Title : Controller
Industry : Machinery - electric utility
FoxMeyer Corp. 1220 Senlac Dr.
Carrollton, TX 75006 214-446-4800 FOX NYSE
Controller : Ms. Brenda L. Fugagli
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Drugs & sundries - wholesale
Frank B. Hall & Co. Inc. 261 Madison Ave.
New York, NY 10016 212-922-1300 FBH NYSE
Controller : Mr. James M. Schlomann
Title : Senior Vice President and Controller
Industry : Insurance - brokerage
Frederick's of Hollywood, Inc. 6608 Hollywood Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90028 213-466-5151 FHO NYSE
Controller : Mr. Nitin G. Parikh
Title : Vice President, Control and Planning
Industry : Retail - apparel & shoes
Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. One E. First St., Ste. 1600
Reno, NV 89501 702-329-6131 FCX NYSE
Controller : Mr. J. David McGuinness
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Metals - non ferrous
Freeport-McMoRan Inc. 1615 Poydras St.
New Orleans, LA 70112 504-582-4000 FTX NYSE
Controller : Mr. Walter P. Matkowski
Title : Controller
Industry : Fertilizers
Freeport-McMoRan Resource Partners, L.P. 1615 Poydras St.
New Orleans, LA 70112 504-582-4000 FRP NYSE
Controller : Ms. Nancy D. Bonner
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Fertilizers
GATX Corp. 120 S. Riverside Plaza
Chicago, IL 60606 312-621-6200 GMT NYSE
Controller : Mr. Ralph L. O'Hara
Title : Controller
Industry : Transportation - equipment & leasing
GEO International Corp. 4 Landmark Square
Stamford, CT 06901 203-326-4301 GX NYSE
Controller : Mr. Richard A. Phillips
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
GTE Corp. One Stamford Forum
Stamford, CT 06904 203-965-2000 GTE NYSE
Controller : Mr. J. Michael Kelly
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Utility - telephone
Gannett Co., Inc. 1100 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22234 703-284-6000 GCI NYSE
Controller : Mr. Larry F. Miller
Title : Senior Vice President, Financial Planning and Controller
Industry : Publishing - newspapers
Gemini II, Inc. Vanguard Financial Center
Valley Forge, PA 19482 800-662-7447 GMI NYSE
Controller : Ms. Karen E. West
Title : Controller
Industry : Financial - investment management
GenCorp Inc. 175 Ghent Rd.
Fairlawn, OH 44333 216-869-4200 GY NYSE
Controller : Ms. Celeste C. Michalski
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
GenRad, Inc. 300 Baker Ave.
Concord, MA 01742 508-369-4400 GEN NYSE
Controller : Mr. Vincent L. Carolan
Title : Controller
Industry : Electronics - measuring instruments
Genentech, Inc. 460 Point San Bruno Blvd.
South San Francisco, CA 94080 415-266-1000 GNE NYSE
Controller : Mr. Bradford S. Goodwin
Title : Controller
Industry : Biomedical & genetic products
General DataComm Industries, Inc. 1579 Straits Turnpike
Middlebury, CT 06762 203-574-1118 GDC NYSE
Controller : Mr. William G. Henry
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Computers - peripheral equipment
General Host Corp. 22 Gate House Rd.
Stamford, CT 06904 203-357-9900 GH NYSE
Controller : Mr. James R. Simpson
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Retail - misc.
General Signal Corp. 1 High Ridge Park
Stamford, CT 06904 203-357-8800 GSX NYSE
Controller : Mr. Terry J. Mortimer
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Instruments - control
Geo. A. Hormel & Co. 501 - 16th Ave. N.E.
Austin, MN 55912 507-437-5737 HRL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Richard W. Schlange
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Food - meat products
Georgia-Pacific Corp. 133 Peachtree St., N.E.
Atlanta, GA 30303 404-521-4000 GP NYSE
Controller : Mr. James E. Terrell
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Building products - wood
Getty Petroleum Corp. 125 Jericho Turnpike
Jericho, NY 11753 516-338-6000 GTY NYSE
Controller : Mr. Michael K. Hantman
Title : Vice President and Corporate Controller
Industry : Oil refining & marketing
Global Marine, Inc. 777 N. Eldridge Rd.
Houston, TX 77079 713-596-5100 GLM NYSE
Controller : Mr. Thomas R. Johnson
Title : Vice President and Corporate Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - offshore drilling
Grace Energy Corp. 13455 Noel Rd., Ste. 1500
Dallas, TX 75240 214-770-0200 GEG NYSE
Controller : Mr. Ralph R. Mills
Title : Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - field services
Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., Inc. 2 Paragon Dr.
Montvale, NJ 07645 201-573-9700 GAP NYSE
Controller : Mr. William J. Tennant
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Retail - supermarkets
Great Lakes Chemical Corp. PO Box 2200
West Lafayette, IN 47906 317-497-6100 GLK NYSE
Controller : Mr. R. William Trebley
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Chemicals - specialty
Great Western Financial Corp. 8484 Wilshire Blvd.
Beverly Hills, CA 90211 310-852-3411 GWF NYSE
Controller : Mr. Bertill A. Gustafson
Title : Senior Vice President and Controller
Industry : Financial - savings and loans
Green Mountain Power Corp. 25 Green Mountain Dr.
South Burlington, VT 05403 802-864-5731 GMP NYSE
Controller : Mr. Glenn J. Purcell
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Green Tree Acceptance, Inc. 345 St. Peter St.
St. Paul, MN 55102 612-293-3400 GNT NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robley D. Evans
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Financial - mortgages & related services
Gulf States Utilities Co. 350 Pine St.
Beaumont, TX 77701 409-838-6631 GSU NYSE
Controller : Mr. Bobby J. Willis
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
HCA - Hospital Corporation of America One Park Plaza
Nashville, TN 37203 615-327-9551 HCA NYSE
Controller : Mr. Donald J. Israel
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Hospitals
HRE Properties 530 Fifth Ave.
New York, NY 10036 212-642-4800 HRE NYSE
Controller : Ms. Margaret D. Fusco
Title : Controller
Industry : Real estate investment trust
Hadson Corp. 101 Park Ave., Ste. 1400
Oklahoma City, OK 73102 405-235-9531 HAD NYSE
Controller : Mr. Jeffrey A. Bonney
Title : Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - US exploration & production
Halliburton Co. 3600 Lincoln Plaza
Dallas, TX 75201 214-978-2600 HAL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Gary V. Morris
Title : Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - field services
Handy & Harman 850 Third Ave.
New York, NY 10022 212-752-3400 HNH NYSE
Controller : Mr. William H. Martinson
Title : Controller
Industry : Precious metals & jewelry
Harris Corp. 1025 W. NASA Blvd.
Melbourne, FL 32919 407-727-9100 HRS NYSE
Controller : Mr. John A. Hubner
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Telecommunications equipment
Harsco Corp. 350 Poplar Church Rd.
Wormleysburg, PA 17043 717-763-7064 HSC NYSE
Controller : Mr. L. A. Campanaro
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Metal processing & fabrication
Hartmarx Corp. 101 N. Wacker Dr.
Chicago, IL 60606 312-372-6300 HMX NYSE
Controller : Mr. Glenn R. Morgan
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Apparel
Health Care and Retirement Corp. One SeaGate
Toledo, OH 43604 419-247-5000 HCR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Spencer C. Moler
Title : Vice President, Controller, Asst. Treasurer, and Asst. Sec.
Industry : Healthcare - outpatient & home
Hecla Mining Co. 6500 Mineral Dr.
Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 208-769-4100 HL NYSE
Controller : Mr. John T. Heatherly
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Gold mining & processing
Heilig-Meyers Co. 2235 Staples Mill Rd.
Richmond, VA 23230 804-359-9171 HMY NYSE
Controller : Mr. Ralph H. Newton, Jr.
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Retail - home furnishings
Helene Curtis Industries, Inc. 325 N. Wells St.
Chicago, IL 60610 312-661-0222 HC NYSE
Controller : Ms. Mary J. Oyer
Title : Vice President, Corporate Controller
Industry : Cosmetics & toiletries
Hercules Inc. Hercules Plaza
Wilmington, DE 19894 302-594-5000 HPC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Thomas A. Ciconte
Title : Controller
Industry : Chemicals - specialty
Hershey Foods Corp. 100 Crystal A Dr.
Hershey, PA 17033 717-534-7500 HSY NYSE
Controller : Mr. John B. Stiles
Title : Vice President and Corporate Controller
Industry : Food - confectionery
Hewlett-Packard Co. 3000 Hanover St.
Palo Alto, CA 94304 415-857-1501 HWP NYSE
Controller : Mr. Raymond W. Cookingham
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Computers - mini & micro
Hexcel Corp. 11555 Dublin Blvd.
Dublin, CA 94568 415-828-4200 HXL NYSE
Controller : Mr. David M. Wong
Title : Controller
Industry : Aerospace - aircraft equipment
Hibernia Corp. 313 Carondelet St.
New Orleans, LA 70130 504-586-5552 HIB NYSE
Controller : Mr. Charles L. Petrey, Jr.
Title : Controller
Industry : Banks - southeast
High Yield Income Fund, Inc. One Seaport Plaza
New York, NY 10292 212-214-3332 HYI NYSE
Controller : Mr. Eugene S. Stark
Title : Controller
Industry : Financial - investment management
Hillenbrand Industries, Inc. Highway 46
Batesville, IN 47006 812-934-7000 HB NYSE
Controller : Mr. James D. Van De Velde
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Medical & dental supplies
Holnam Inc. 6211 N. Ann Arbor Rd.
Dundee, MI 48131 313-529-2411 HLN NYSE
Controller : Mr. Frank J. Benedick
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Construction - cement & concrete
Home Depot, Inc. 2727 Paces Ferry Rd.
Atlanta, GA 30339 404-433-8211 HD NYSE
Controller : Mr. Preston R. Kirby
Title : Controller
Industry : Building products - retail & wholesale
Home Shopping Network, Inc. 2501 118th Ave. North
St. Petersburg, FL 33716 813-572-8585 HSN NYSE
Controller : Mr. C. Everett Burrell
Title : Controller
Industry : Retail - mail order & direct
HomeFed Corp. 5565 Morehouse Dr.
San Diego, CA 92121 619-450-7000 HFD NYSE
Controller : Mr. Anthony L. Frey
Title : Controller
Industry : Financial - savings and loans
Homestake Mining Co. 650 California St.
San Francisco, CA 94108 415-981-8150 HM NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert L. Watson
Title : Controller
Industry : Gold mining & processing
Honeywell Inc. Honeywell Plaza
Minneapolis, MN 55408 612-870-5200 HON NYSE
Controller : Mr. David W. Devonshire
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Horace Mann Educators Corp. 1 Horace Mann Plaza
Springfield, IL 62715 217-789-2500 HMN NYSE
Controller : Mr. Roger W. Fisher
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Insurance - multi line & misc.
Horizon Healthcare Corp. 6001 Indian School Rd. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110 505-881-4961 HHC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Daniel N. Thorpe
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Nursing homes
House of Fabrics, Inc. 13400 Riverside Dr.
Sherman Oaks, CA 91423 818-995-7000 HF NYSE
Controller : Mr. Donald W. Boyer
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Retail - misc.
Household International, Inc. 2700 Sanders Rd.
Prospect Heights, IL 60070 708-564-5000 HI NYSE
Controller : Mr. David A. Schoenholz
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Financial - consumer loans
Humana Inc. 500 W. Main St.
Louisville, KY 40202 502-580-1000 HUM NYSE
Controller : Mr. Richard A. Lechleiter
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Hospitals
IBP, inc. IBP Ave., PO Box 515
Dakota City, NE 68731 402-494-2061 IBP NYSE
Controller : Mr. Craig J. Hart
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Food - meat products
ICM Property Investors Inc. 767 Third Ave.
New York, NY 10017 212-486-7050 ICM NYSE
Controller : Mr. Ralph D'Esposito
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Real estate investment trust
IMCERA Group Inc. 2315 Sanders Rd.
Northbrook, IL 60062 708-564-8600 IMA NYSE
Controller : Mr. William B. Stone
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
INTERCO Inc. 101 S. Hanley Rd.
St. Louis, MO 63105 314-863-1100 ISS NYSE
Controller : Mr. David P. Howard
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
IP Timberlands, Ltd. Two Manhattanville Rd.
Purchase, NY 10577 914-397-1500 IPT NYSE
Controller : Mr. Frederick L. Bleier
Title : Controller
Industry : Building products - wood
IRT Property Co. 200 Galleria Pwy., Ste. 1400
Atlanta, GA 30339 404-955-4406 IRT NYSE
Controller : Ms. Sharon A. Quigley
Title : Controller
Industry : Real estate investment trust
ITT Corp. 1330 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10019 212-258-1000 ITT NYSE
Controller : Mr. Raymond H. Alleman
Title : Senior Vice President and Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Idaho Power Co. 1220 W. Idaho St.
Boise, ID 83702 208-383-2200 IDA NYSE
Controller : Mr. Harold J. Hochhalter
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Illinois Central Corp. 233 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60601 312-819-7500 IC NYSE
Controller : Mr. John V. Mulvaney
Title : Controller
Industry : Transportation - rail
Illinois Tool Works Inc. 3600 W. Lake Ave.
Glenview, IL 60025 708-724-7500 ITW NYSE
Controller : Mr. Michael W. Gregg
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Metal products - fasteners
Imo Industries Inc. 3450 Princeton Pike
Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 609-896-7600 IMD NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert A. Derr II
Title : Vice President and Corporate Controller
Industry : Instruments - control
Inspiration Resources Corp. 250 Park Ave.
New York, NY 10177 212-503-3100 IRC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Francis G. Mayer
Title : Vice President and Corporate Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Intelogic Trace, Inc. Turtle Creek Tower I
San Antonio, TX 78229 512-558-5700 IT NYSE
Controller : Mr. Bruce D. Wolf
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Computers - services
Inter-Regional Financial Group, Inc. 60 S. Sixth St.
Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-371-7750 IFG NYSE
Controller : Mr. Daniel J. Reuss
Title : Senior Vice President, Controller and Treasurer
Industry : Financial - investment bankers
International Business Machines Corp. Old Orchard Rd.
Armonk, NY 10504 914-765-1900 IBM NYSE
Controller : Mr. Lawrence A. Zimmerman
Title : Controller
Industry : Computers - mainframe
International Multifoods Corp. 33 S. 6th St.
Minneapolis, MN 55402 612-340-3300 IMC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Edgardo E. Rodriguez
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Food - flour & grain
International Paper Co. Two Manhattanville Rd.
Purchase, NY 10577 914-397-1500 IP NYSE
Controller : Mr. Andrew R. Lessin
Title : Controller
Industry : Paper & paper products
International Recovery Corp. 700 S. Royal Poinciana Blvd.
Miami Springs, FL 33166 305-884-2001 INT NYSE
Controller : Mr. Carlos A. Abaunza
Title : Controller and Treasurer
Industry : Oil refining & marketing
International Rectifier Corp. 233 Kansas St.
El Segundo, CA 90245 310-772-2000 IRF NYSE
Controller : Mr. Michael P. McGee
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Electrical components - semiconductors
Interpublic Group of Companies, Inc. 1271 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020 212-399-8000 IPG NYSE
Controller : Mr. Donald P. Connelly
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Advertising
Interstate Power Co. 1000 Main St., PO Box 769
Dubuque, IA 52004 319-582-5421 IPW NYSE
Controller : Mr. William C. Troy
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Iowa-Illinois Gas and Electric Co. 206 E. Second St.
Davenport, IA 52801 319-326-7111 IWG NYSE
Controller : Mr. Peter E. Burks
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - gas distribution
Itel Corp. Two N. Riverside Plaza
Chicago, IL 60606 312-902-1515 ITL NYSE
Controller : Mr. John P. McNicholas, Jr.
Title : Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
J.C. Penney Co., Inc. 14841 N. Dallas Parkway
Dallas, TX 75240 214-591-1000 JCP NYSE
Controller : Mr. Leo A. Gispanski
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Retail - major department stores
JWP INC. 2975 Westchester Ave.
Purchase, NY 10577 914-935-4000 JWP NYSE
Controller : Mr. Philip M McGinn
Title : Controller
Industry : Engineering - R & D services
Jacobs Engineering Group Inc. 251 S. Lake Ave.
Pasadena, CA 91101 213-681-3781 JEC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Nazim G. Thawerbhoy
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Construction - heavy
James River Corporation of Virginia 120 Tredegar St.
Richmond, VA 23219 804-644-5411 JR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Warren L. Spiller
Title : Vice President, Corporate Controller
Industry : Paper & paper products
Jamesway Corp. 40 Hartz Way
Secaucus, NJ 07096 201-330-6000 JMY NYSE
Controller : Mr. William F. Duffy
Title : Vice President, Corporate Controller
Industry : Retail - discount & variety
Johnson Controls, Inc. 5757 N. Green Bay Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53201 414-228-1200 JCI NYSE
Controller : Mr. Franklin H. Smith, Jr.
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Jones Apparel Group, Inc. 250 Rittenhouse Circle
Bristol, PA 19007 215-785-4000 JNY NYSE
Controller : Mr. Gary Klocek
Title : Controller
Industry : Textiles - apparel
Jostens, Inc. 5501 Norman Center Dr.
Minneapolis, MN 55437 612-830-3300 JOS NYSE
Controller : Mr. Craig E. Swarthout
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Precious metals & jewelry
Joy Technologies Inc. 301 Grant St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15219 412-562-4500 JOY NYSE
Controller : Mr. Charles E. Bowen
Title : Vice President and Corporate Controller
Industry : Machinery - general industrial
KU Energy Corp. One Quality St.
Lexington, KY 40507 606-255-2100 KU NYSE
Controller : Mr. Michael D. Robinson
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Kaiser Aluminum Corp. 5847 San Felipe, Ste. 2600
Houston, TX 77057 713-267-3777 KLU NYSE
Controller : Mr. Charles T. Alongi
Title : Controller
Industry : Metals - non ferrous
Kaneb Pipe Line Partners, L.P. 2400 Lakeside Blvd.
Richardson, TX 75082 214-699-4000 KPP NYSE
Controller : Mr. Tony M. Regan
Title : Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - production & pipeline
Kaneb Services, Inc. 2400 Lakeside Blvd.
Richardson, TX 75082 214-699-4000 KAB NYSE
Controller : Mr. Tony M. Regan
Title : Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - production & pipeline
Kansas City Power & Light Co. 1330 Baltimore Ave.
Kansas City, MO 64105 816-556-2200 KLT NYSE
Controller : Mr. Neil Roadman
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Kansas Power and Light Co. 818 Kansas Ave.
Topeka, KS 66612 913-296-6300 KAN NYSE
Controller : Mr. Jerry D. Courington
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - gas distribution
Katy Industries, Inc. 853 Dundee Ave.
Elgin, IL 60120 708-697-8900 KT NYSE
Controller : Mr. Leonard D. Reese
Title : Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Kellogg Co. One Kellogg Square
Battle Creek, MI 49016 616-961-2000 K NYSE
Controller : Mr. Stanley W. Ruis
Title : Vice President, Corporate Controller
Industry : Food - misc.
Kellwood Co. 600 Kellwood Parkway
St. Louis, MO 63017 314-576-3100 KWD NYSE
Controller : Mr. Lawrence E. Hummel
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Textiles - apparel
Kerr Glass Manufacturing Corp. 1840 Century Park East
Los Angeles, CA 90067 213-556-2200 KGM NYSE
Controller : Mr. J. Stephen Grassbaugh
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Glass products
Kerr-McGee Corp. Kerr-McGee Center
Oklahoma City, OK 73125 405-270-1313 KMG NYSE
Controller : Mr. J. Michael Rauh
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - US integrated
King World Productions, Inc. 830 Morris Turnpike
Short Hills, NJ 07078 212-376-1313 KWP NYSE
Controller : Mr. Steven A. LoCascio
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Broadcasting - radio & TV
Knight-Ridder, Inc. One Herald Plaza
Miami, FL 33132 305-376-3800 KRI NYSE
Controller : Mr. Tally C. Liu
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Publishing - newspapers
Knogo Corp. 350 Wireless Blvd.
Hauppauge, NY 11788 516-232-2100 KNO NYSE
Controller : Mr. Peter J. Mundy
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Protection - safety equipment & services
Kollmorgen Corp. 1601 Trapelo Rd.
Waltham, MA 02154 617-890-5655 KOL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert J. Bollo
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Electrical products - misc.
L. E. Myers Co. Group 2550 W. Golf Rd., Ste. 200
Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 708-290-1891 MYR NYSE
Controller : Mr. David L. Mistal
Title : Controller
Industry : Construction - heavy
L.A. Gear, Inc. 4221 Redwood Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90066 213-822-1995 LA NYSE
Controller : Mr. Sal L. Amantangelo
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Shoes & related apparel
LTV Corp. 2001 Ross Ave.
Dallas, TX 75265 214-979-7711 LTV NYSE
Controller : Mr. William P. Twomey
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Steel - production
La Quinta Motor Inns, Inc. 10010 San Pedro Ave.
San Antonio, TX 78216 512-366-6000 LQM NYSE
Controller : Mr. William F. Waechter
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Hotels & motels
La-Z-Boy Chair Co. 1284 N. Telegraph Rd.
Monroe, MI 48161 313-241-4414 LZB NYSE
Controller : Mr. James J. Korsnack
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Furniture
Lafarge Corp. 11130 Sunrise Valley Dr.
Reston, VA 22091 703-264-3600 LAF NYSE
Controller : Mr. John C. Porter
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Construction - cement & concrete
Lamson & Sessions Co. 25701 Science Park Dr.
Beachwood, OH 44122 216-464-3400 LMS NYSE
Controller : Mr. Thomas M. Kostelnik
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Rubber & plastic products
Legg Mason, Inc. 111 S. Calvert St.
Baltimore, MD 21203 410-539-0000 LM NYSE
Controller : Ms. Eileen M. O'Rourke
Title : Controller
Industry : Financial - investment bankers
Leggett & Platt, Inc. No. 1 Leggett Rd.
Carthage, MO 64836 417-358-8131 LEG NYSE
Controller : Mr. William S. Weil
Title : Controller
Industry : Furniture
Liberty Corp. PO Box 789
Greenville, SC 29602 803-268-8111 LC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Eugene F. Cater, Jr.
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Insurance - life
Lincoln National Convert. Securities Fund, Inc. 1300 S. Clinton St.
Ft. Wayne, IN 46801 219-427-2210 LNV NYSE
Controller : Mr. Byron G. Brunn
Title : Controller
Industry : Financial - investment management
Lincoln National Corp. 1300 S. Clinton St.
Ft. Wayne, IN 46801 219-455-2000 LNC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Donald L. Van Wyngarden
Title : Controller
Industry : Insurance - property & casualty
Lincoln National Income Fund, Inc. 1300 S. Clinton St.
Ft. Wayne, IN 46801 219-427-2210 LND NYSE
Controller : Mr. Byron G. Brunn
Title : Controller
Industry : Financial - investment management
Litton Industries, Inc. 360 N. Crescent Dr.
Beverly Hills, CA 90210 310-859-5000 LIT NYSE
Controller : Mr. Rudolph E. Lang, Jr.
Title : Senior Vice President and Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Loews Corp. 667 Madison Ave.
New York, NY 10021 212-545-2000 LTR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Guy A. Kwan
Title : Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Lone Star Industries, Inc. 300 First Stamford Place
Stamford, CT 06912 203-969-8600 LCE NYSE
Controller : Mr. William E. Roberts
Title : Vice President and Corporate Controller
Industry : Construction - cement & concrete
Long Island Lighting Co. 175 E. Old Country Rd.
Hicksville, NY 11801 516-933-4590 LIL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Michael Czumak
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Longs Drug Stores Corp. 141 N. Civic Dr.
Walnut Creek, CA 94596 415-937-1170 LDG NYSE
Controller : Mr. G. L. White
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Retail - drug stores
Louisiana Land and Exploration Co. 909 Poydras St.
New Orleans, LA 70112 504-566-6500 LLX NYSE
Controller : Mr. Jerry D. Carlisle
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - US integrated
Louisiana-Pacific Corp. 111 S.W. Fifth Ave.
Portland, OR 97204 503-221-0800 LPX NYSE
Controller : Mr. William L. Hebert
Title : Controller-Finance
Industry : Building products - wood
Lowe's Companies, Inc. PO Box 1111
North Wilkesboro, NC 28656 919-651-4000 LOW NYSE
Controller : Mr. Leslie G. Shell, III
Title : Controller
Industry : Building products - retail & wholesale
Lubrizol Corp. 29400 Lakeland Blvd.
Wickliffe, OH 44092 216-943-4200 LZ NYSE
Controller : Mr. John R. Ahern
Title : Controller
Industry : Oil refining & marketing
Luby's Cafeterias, Inc. 2211 Northeast Loop 410
San Antonio, TX 78265 512-654-9000 LUB NYSE
Controller : Mr. Ronald E. Riemenschneider
Title : Controller
Industry : Retail - food & restaurants
Lukens Inc. 50 S. First Ave.
Coatesville, PA 19320 215-383-2504 LUC NYSE
Controller : Mr. John N. Maier
Title : Controller
Industry : Steel - specialty alloys
Lyondell Petrochemical Co. 1221 McKinney Ave., Ste. 1600
Houston, TX 77010 713-652-7200 LYO NYSE
Controller : Mr. Joseph M. Putz
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Chemicals - plastics
M/A-COM, Inc. 401 Edgewater Place
Wakefield, MA 01880 617-272-9600 MAI NYSE
Controller : Mr. Peter J. Rice
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Electronics - military
MAI Systems Corp. 14101 Myford Rd.
Tustin, CA 92680 714-731-5100 MCO NYSE
Controller : Mr. Wayne L. Blair
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Computers - mini & micro
MAPCO Inc. 1800 S. Baltimore Ave.
Tulsa, OK 74119 918-581-1800 MDA NYSE
Controller : Mr. Richard A. Lydecker, Jr.
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - production & pipeline
MBIA Inc. 113 King St.
Armonk, NY 10504 914-273-4545 MBI NYSE
Controller : Ms. Julliette S. Tehrani
Title : Senior Vice President, Controller and Assistant Treasurer
Industry : Insurance - multi line & misc.
MDU Resources Group, Inc. 400 N. Fourth St.
Bismarck, ND 58501 701-222-7900 MDU NYSE
Controller : Mr. Vernon A. Raile
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
MGI Properties 30 Rowes Wharf
Boston, MA 02110 617-330-5335 MGI NYSE
Controller : Ms. Patricia M. Doherty
Title : Controller
Industry : Real estate investment trust
MGIC Investment Corp. 250 E. Kilbourn Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53202 414-347-6480 MTG NYSE
Controller : Mr. William A. Seymore
Title : Senior Vice President, Controller
Industry : Financial - mortgages & related services
Manor Care, Inc. 10750 Columbia Pike
Silver Spring, MD 20901 301-681-9400 MNR NYSE
Controller : Ms. Margarita A. Schoendorfer
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Nursing homes
Marion Merrell Dow Inc. 9300 Ward Parkway
Kansas City, MO 64114 816-966-4000 MKC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Gerard Blain
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Drugs
Marriott Corp. Marriott Dr.
Washington, DC 20058 301-897-9000 MHS NYSE
Controller : Mr. Michael A. Stein
Title : Senior Vice President, Finance and Corporate Controller
Industry : Hotels & motels
Masco Corp. 21001 Van Born Rd.
Taylor, MI 48180 313-274-7400 MAS NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert B. Rosowski
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Building products - misc.
Maxus Energy Corp. 717 N. Harwood St.
Dallas, TX 75201 214-953-2000 MXS NYSE
Controller : Mr. Glen R. Brown
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - international specialty
Maytag Corp. 403 W. Fourth St. North
Newton, IA 50208 515-792-8000 MYG NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert L. Chaplin
Title : Vice President and Corporate Controller
Industry : Appliances - household
McClatchy Newspapers, Inc. 2100 "Q" St.
Sacramento, CA 95816 916-321-1846 MNI NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert W. Berger
Title : Controller and Assistant Treasurer
Industry : Publishing - newspapers
McDermott International, Inc. 1010 Common St.
New Orleans, LA 70112 504-587-5400 MDR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Daniel R. Gaubert
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Machinery - electric utility
McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1221 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020 212-512-2000 MHP NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert M. Thompson
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Publishing - books
McKesson Corp. One Post St.
San Francisco, CA 94104 415-983-8300 MCK NYSE
Controller : Mr. Richard H. Hawkins
Title : Controller
Industry : Drugs & sundries - wholesale
Mediplex Group, Inc. 15 Walnut St.
Wellesley, MA 02181 617-446-6900 MPX NYSE
Controller : Mr. John F. Burke
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Health maintenance organization
Meditrust 128 Technology Center
Waltham, MA 02154 617-736-1500 MT NYSE
Controller : Ms. Lisa M. Pavelka
Title : Controller
Industry : Real estate investment trust
Medtronic, Inc. 7000 Central Ave. N.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55432 612-574-4000 MDT NYSE
Controller : Mr. John T. Lemley
Title : Vice President and Corporate Controller
Industry : Medical instruments
Melville Corp. One Theall Rd.
Rye, NY 10580 914-925-4000 MES NYSE
Controller : Mr. Shahid Quraeshi
Title : Controller
Industry : Retail - apparel & shoes
Mercantile Stores Co., Inc. 1100 N. Market St.
Wilmington, DE 19801 302-575-1816 MST NYSE
Controller : Mr. William A. Carr
Title : Controller
Industry : Retail - regional department stores
Merck & Co., Inc. PO Box 2000
Rahway, NJ 07065 908-594-4000 MRK NYSE
Controller : Mr. Edward J. Sot
Title : Controller
Industry : Drugs
Meredith Corp. 1716 Locust St.
Des Moines, IA 50336 515-284-3000 MDP NYSE
Controller : Ms. Kathy Zehr
Title : Corporate Controller and Assistant Secretary
Industry : Publishing - periodicals
Merry Land & Investment Co., Inc. PO Box 1417
Augusta, GA 30903 404-722-6756 MRY NYSE
Controller : Mr. Ronald J. Benton
Title : Controller
Industry : Real estate investment trust
Merry-Go-Round Enterprises, Inc. 3300 Fashion Way
Joppa, MD 21085 410-538-1000 MGR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Frank C. Peters
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Retail - apparel & shoes
Metropolitan Financial Corp. 6800 France Ave. South
Minneapolis, MN 55435 612-928-5000 MFC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Steven B. Dewald
Title : Senior Vice President, Corporate Controller
Industry : Financial - savings and loans
Minnesota Power & Light Co. 30 W. Superior St.
Duluth, MN 55802 218-722-2641 MPL NYSE
Controller : Ms. Geraldine R. VanTassel
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Monsanto Co. 800 N. Lindbergh Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63167 314-694-1000 MTC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Bruce R. Sents
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Chemicals - diversified
Morrison Knudsen Corp. Morrison Knudsen Plaza
Boise, ID 83707 208-386-5000 MRN NYSE
Controller : Mr. Daniel J. Kunz
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Construction - heavy
Motorola, Inc. 1303 E. Algonquin Rd.
Schaumburg, IL 60196 708-397-5000 MOT NYSE
Controller : Mr. Kenneth J. Johnson
Title : Corporate Vice President and Controller
Industry : Electrical products - misc.
NACCO Industries, Inc. 12800 Shaker Blvd.
Cleveland, OH 44120 216-752-1000 NC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Steven M. Billick
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Coal
NERCO, Inc. 500 N.E. Multnomah, Ste. 1500
Portland, OR 97232 503-731-6600 NER NYSE
Controller : Mr. Peter J. Craven
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Coal
NICOR Inc. 1700 W. Ferry Rd.
Naperville, IL 60563 708-305-9500 GAS NYSE
Controller : Mr. David L. Cyranoski
Title : Vice President, Secretary and Controller
Industry : Utility - gas distribution
NIPSCO Industries, Inc. 5265 Hohman Ave.
Hammond, IN 46320 219-853-5200 NI NYSE
Controller : Mr. Jerry M. Springer
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
NL Industries, Inc. 3000 N. Sam Houston Pkwy. East
Houston, TX 77032 713-987-5000 NL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Dennis G. Newkirk
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Chemicals - specialty
NS Group, Inc. Ninth & Lowell Sts.
Newport, KY 41072 606-292-6809 NSS NYSE
Controller : Mr. Thomas J. Depenbrock
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Steel - pipes & tubes
NUI Corp. 550 Route 202-206
Bedminster, NJ 07921 908-781-0500 NUI NYSE
Controller : Mr. Rand W. Smith
Title : Assistant Vice President and Controller
Industry : Utility - gas distribution
Nalco Chemical Co. One Nalco Center
Naperville, IL 60563 708-305-1000 NLC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Edward L. Benson
Title : Controller
Industry : Chemicals - specialty
Nashua Corp. 44 Franklin St., PO Box 2002
Nashua, NH 03061 603-880-2323 NSH NYSE
Controller : Mr. Joseph R. Matson
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
National Education Corp. 18400 Von Karman Ave.
Irvine, CA 92715 714-474-9400 NEC NYSE
Controller : Ms. Christine A. Gattenio
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Schools
National Fuel Gas Co. 30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112 212-541-7533 NFG NYSE
Controller : Mr. Gerald T. Wehrlin
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - gas distribution
National Semiconductor Corp. 2900 Semiconductor Dr.
Santa Clara, CA 95052 408-721-5000 NSM NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert B. Mahoney
Title : Controller
Industry : Electrical components - semiconductors
National Service Industries, Inc. 1420 Peachtree St., N.E.
Atlanta, GA 30309 404-853-1000 NSI NYSE
Controller : Mr. John A. Bostater
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
New Jersey Resources Corp. 1350 Campus Parkway
Wall, NJ 07719 908-938-1480 NJR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Glenn C. Lockwood
Title : Assistant Vice President, Controller
Industry : Utility - gas distribution
New Plan Realty Trust 1120 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036 212-869-3000 NPR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Michael I. Brown
Title : Controller
Industry : Real estate investment trust
New York State Electric & Gas Corp. PO Box 287
Ithaca, NY 14851 607-347-4131 NGE NYSE
Controller : Mr. Everett A. Robinson
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Newell Co. 29 E. Stephenson St.
Freeport, IL 61032 815-235-4171 NWL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Donald L. Krause
Title : Senior Vice President, Corporate Controller
Industry : Building products - misc.
Newhall Land and Farming Co. 23823 Valencia Blvd.
Valencia, CA 91355 805-255-4000 NHL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Donald L. Kimball
Title : Controller
Industry : Agricultural operations
Newmont Gold Co. 1700 Lincoln St.
Denver, CO 80203 303-863-7414 NGC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Gary E. Farmar
Title : Controller
Industry : Gold mining & processing
Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. 300 Erie Blvd. West
Syracuse, NY 13202 315-474-1511 NMK NYSE
Controller : Mr. Nicholas L. Prioletti, Jr.
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Nord Resources Corp. 8150 Washington Village Dr.
Dayton, OH 45458 513-433-6307 NRD NYSE
Controller : Mr. Karl A. Frydryk
Title : Vice President, Controller and Secretary
Industry : Metal ores - misc.
Norfolk Southern Corp. Three Commercial Place
Norfolk, VA 23510 804-629-2600 NSC NYSE
Controller : Mr. L. I. Prillaman, Jr.
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Transportation - rail
North Carolina Natural Gas Corp. 150 Rowan St.
Fayetteville, NC 28302 919-483-0315 NCG NYSE
Controller : Mr. Charles W. Siska, Jr.
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - gas distribution
Northeast Utilities 174 Brush Hill Ave.
West Springfield, MA 01090 413-785-5871 NU NYSE
Controller : Mr. George D. Uhl
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Northern States Power Co. 414 Nicollet Mall
Minneapolis, MN 55401 612-330-5500 NSP NYSE
Controller : Mr. Roger D. Sandeen
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Northwestern Public Service Co. 33 Third St. SE
Huron, SD 57350 605-352-8411 NPS NYSE
Controller : Mr. Don C. Oberlander
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Norwest Corp. Sixth and Marquette
Minneapolis, MN 55479 612-667-1234 NOB NYSE
Controller : Mr. Michael A. Graf
Title : Senior Vice President and Controller
Industry : Banks - midwest
NovaCare, Inc. 2570 Boulevard of the Generals
Valley Forge, PA 19482 215-631-9300 NOV NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert E. Healy, Jr.
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Healthcare - outpatient & home
Nucor Corp. 2100 Rexford Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28211 704-366-7000 NUE NYSE
Controller : Mr. Terry S. Lisenby
Title : Vice President, Corporate Controller
Industry : Steel - production
Nutmeg Industries, Inc. 4408 W. Linebaugh Ave.
Tampa, FL 33624 813-963-6153 NTM NYSE
Controller : Ms. Angela C. LaFon
Title : Controller
Industry : Textiles - apparel
Nuveen Michigan Quality Income Mun. Fund, Inc. 333 W. Wacker Dr.
Chicago, IL 60606 312-917-7700 NUM NYSE
Controller : Mr. O. Walter Renfftlen
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Financial - investment management
Nuveen New Jersey Quality Inc. Mun. Fund, Inc. 333 W. Wacker Dr.
Chicago, IL 60606 312-917-7700 NUJ NYSE
Controller : Mr. O. Walter Renfftlen
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Financial - investment management
Nuveen New York Quality Income Mun. Fund, Inc. 333 W. Wacker Dr.
Chicago, IL 60606 312-917-7700 NUN NYSE
Controller : Mr. O. Walter Renfftlen
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Financial - investment management
OEA, Inc. 34501 E. Quincy Ave.
Denver, CO 80210 303-693-1248 OEA NYSE
Controller : Mr. William M. Shelton
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Electronics - military
OHM Corp. 16406 U.S. Route 224 East
Findlay, OH 45840 419-423-3529 OHM NYSE
Controller : Mr. Daniel P. Buettin
Title : Controller
Industry : Pollution control equipment & services
Oak Industries Inc. 1000 Winter St.
Waltham, MA 02154 617-890-0400 OAK NYSE
Controller : Mr. Thomas F. Sheehan
Title : Controller
Industry : Electrical products - misc.
Oakwood Homes Corp. 2225 S. Holden Rd.
Greensboro, NC 27417 919-855-2400 OH NYSE
Controller : Mr. Richard S. Sears
Title : Controller and Assistant Treasurer
Industry : Building - mobile homes & RV
Occidental Petroleum Corp. 10889 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90024 213-208-8800 OXY NYSE
Controller : Mr. Samuel P. Dominick, Jr.
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - US integrated
Oceaneering International, Inc. 16001 Park Ten Place, Ste. 600
Houston, TX 77084 713-578-8868 OII NYSE
Controller : Mr. Richard V. Chidlow
Title : Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - field services
Ogden Corp. Two Pennsylvania Plaza
New York, NY 10121 212-868-6100 OG NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert M. DiGia
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Oklahoma Gas and Electric Co. 321 N. Robinson
Oklahoma City, OK 73102 405-272-3000 OGE NYSE
Controller : Mr. Don L. Young
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Olin Corp. 120 Long Ridge Rd.
Stamford, CT 06904 203-356-2000 OLN NYSE
Controller : Mr. Emanuel J. DiTeresi
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Omnicare, Inc. 255 E. Fifth St.
Cincinnati, OH 45202 513-762-6666 OCR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Thomas R. Marsh
Title : Controller
Industry : Medical & dental supplies
Omnicom Group Inc. 437 Madison Ave.
New York, NY 10022 212-415-3600 OMC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Ian Cummings
Title : Controller
Industry : Advertising
Oneida Ltd.
Oneida, NY 13421 315-361-3636 OCQ NYSE
Controller : Mr. Thomas A. Fetzner
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Appliances - household
Orion Capital Corp. 30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112 212-332-8080 OC NYSE
Controller : Mr. David L. Barry
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Insurance - property & casualty
Outboard Marine Corp. 100 Sea-Horse Dr.
Waukegan, IL 60085 708-689-6200 OM NYSE
Controller : Mr. James R. Maurice
Title : Controller
Industry : Leisure & recreational products
Overseas Shipholding Group, Inc. 1114 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036 212-869-1222 OSG NYSE
Controller : Mr. Alan Carus
Title : Controller
Industry : Transportation - shipping
Oxford Industries, Inc. 222 Piedmont Ave., N.E.
Atlanta, GA 30308 404-659-2424 OXM NYSE
Controller : Ms. Debra A. Pauli
Title : Controller
Industry : Textiles - apparel
PAR Technology Corp. 220 Seneca Turnpike
New Hartford, NY 13413 315-738-0600 PTC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Ronald J. Casciano
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Computers - peripheral equipment
PHH Corp. 11333 McCormick Rd.
Hunt Valley, MD 21031 410-771-3600 PHH NYSE
Controller : Ms. Nan A. Grant
Title : Controller
Industry : Leasing
PNC Financial Corp. Fifth Ave. and Wood St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-762-2666 PNC NYSE
Controller : Mr. William J. Johns
Title : Senior Vice President, Controller
Industry : Banks - northeast
PPG Industries, Inc. One PPG Place
Pittsburgh, PA 15272 412-434-3131 PPG NYSE
Controller : Mr. William H. Hernandez
Title : Controller
Industry : Chemicals - diversified
PS Group, Inc. 4370 La Jolla Village Dr.
San Diego, CA 92122 619-546-5001 PSG NYSE
Controller : Ms. Johanna Hinds
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Leasing
PacifiCorp 700 N.E. Multnomah
Portland, OR 97232 503-731-2000 PPW NYSE
Controller : Ms. Jacqueline Bell
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Pacific Enterprises 633 W. Fifth St., Ste. 5400
Los Angeles, CA 90071 213-895-5000 PET NYSE
Controller : Mr. Stanley A. Ratzlaff
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Utility - gas distribution
Pacific Gas and Electric Co. 77 Beale St.
San Francisco, CA 94106 415-972-7000 PCG NYSE
Controller : Ms. Gloria S. Gee
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Pacific Scientific Co. 620 Newport Center Dr.
Newport Beach, CA 92660 714-720-1714 PSX NYSE
Controller : Mr. William L. Nothwang
Title : Controller
Industry : Electronics - measuring instruments
Panhandle Eastern Corp. PO Box 1642
Houston, TX 77251 713-627-5400 PEL NYSE
Controller : Mr. G. G. Gruber
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - production & pipeline
Parker Drilling Co. Eight E. Third St.
Tulsa, OK 74103 918-585-8221 PKD NYSE
Controller : Mr. Randy L. Ellis
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - field services
Parker Hannifin Corp. 17325 Euclid Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44112 216-531-3000 PH NYSE
Controller : Mr. Harold C. Gueritey, Jr.
Title : Controller
Industry : Instruments - control
Patrick Petroleum Co. 301 W. Michigan Ave.
Jackson, MI 49201 517-787-6633 PPC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Ray E. McNetton
Title : Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - US exploration & production
Penn Central Corp. One E. Fourth St.
Cincinnati, OH 45202 513-579-6600 PC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert F. Amory
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Pennsylvania Power & Light Co. Two N. Ninth St.
Allentown, PA 18101 215-774-5151 PPL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Ronald E. Hill
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Pennzoil Co. Pennzoil Place, PO Box 2967
Houston, TX 77252 713-546-4000 PZL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Mark A. Malinski
Title : Senior Vice President, Accounting and Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - US integrated
PepsiCo, Inc.
Purchase, NY 10577 914-253-2000 PEP NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert L. Carleton
Title : Senior Vice President and Controller
Industry : Beverages - soft drinks
Pet Inc. 400 S. Fourth St.
St. Louis, MO 63102 314-621-5400 PT NYSE
Controller : Mr. Anthony C. Knizel
Title : Vice President, Controller and Assistant Treasurer
Industry : Food - misc.
Pfizer Inc. 235 E. 42nd St.
New York, NY 10017 212-573-2323 PFE NYSE
Controller : Mr. John C. Mesloh
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Drugs
Phelps Dodge Corp. 2600 N. Central Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85004 602-234-8100 PD NYSE
Controller : Mr. Thomas M. Foster
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Metals - non ferrous
Philadelphia Electric Co. 2301 Market St., PO Box 8699
Philadelphia, PA 19101 215-841-4000 PE NYSE
Controller : Mr. T. P. Hill, Jr.
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Philip Morris Companies Inc. 120 Park Ave.
New York, NY 10017 212-880-5000 MO NYSE
Controller : Ms. Katherine P. Wickham
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Tobacco
Phillips-Van Heusen Corp. 1290 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10104 212-541-5200 PVH NYSE
Controller : Ms. Cynthia L. Tarantino
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Textiles - apparel
Pinelands, Inc. 9 Broadcast Plaza
Secaucus, NJ 07096 201-348-0009 PL NYSE
Controller : Ms. Ann M. Sardini
Title : Assistant Secretary and Controller
Industry : Broadcasting - radio & TV
Pinnacle West Capital Corp. 400 E. Van Buren St.
Phoenix, AZ 85004 602-379-2500 PNW NYSE
Controller : Mr. Kevin S. Steele
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Pitney Bowes Inc. World Headquarters
Stamford, CT 06926 203-356-5000 PBI NYSE
Controller : Mr. Steven J. Green
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Office equipment & supplies
Pittston Co. One Pickwick Plaza
Greenwich, CT 06836 203-622-0900 PCO NYSE
Controller : Mr. Jonathan M. Sturman
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Coal
Plum Creek Timber Co., L.P. 999 Third Ave., Ste. 2300
Seattle, WA 98104 206-467-3600 PCL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Allan F. Trinkwald
Title : Controller and Treasurer
Industry : Building products - wood
Pogo Producing Co. 600 Travis St., Ste. 6600
Houston, TX 77002 713-651-4300 PPP NYSE
Controller : Mr. Thomas E. Hart
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - US exploration & production
Polaroid Corp. 549 Technology Square
Cambridge, MA 02139 617-577-2000 PRD NYSE
Controller : Mr. Ralph M. Norwood
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Photographic equipment & supplies
Pope & Talbot, Inc. 1500 S.W. First Ave.
Portland, OR 97201 503-228-9161 POP NYSE
Controller : Mr. Dennis E. Bunday
Title : Financial Controller and Assistant Secretary
Industry : Paper & paper products
Potlatch Corp. One Maritime Plaza
San Francisco, CA 94111 415-576-8800 PCH NYSE
Controller : Mr. Terry L. Carter
Title : Controller
Industry : Paper & paper products
Primerica Corp. 65 E. 55th St.
New York, NY 10022 212-891-8900 PA NYSE
Controller : Mr. William T. Bozarth
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Financial - consumer loans
Public Service Co. of Colorado PO Box 840
Denver, CO 80201 303-571-7511 PSR NYSE
Controller : Mr. W. Wayne Brown
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Public Service Co. of New Mexico Alvarado Square
Albuquerque, NM 87158 505-848-2700 PNM NYSE
Controller : Mr. Donna M. Burnett
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Quaker Oats Co. 321 N. Clark St.
Chicago, IL 60610 312-222-7111 OAT NYSE
Controller : Mr. John A. Boynton
Title : Vice President, Corporate Controller and Planning
Industry : Food - misc.
Quaker State Corp. 225 Elm St.
Oil City, PA 16301 814-676-7676 KSF NYSE
Controller : Mr. John R. Sedlacko
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Oil refining & marketing
Quanex Corp. 1900 W. Loop South, Ste. 1500
Houston, TX 77027 713-961-4600 NX NYSE
Controller : Mr. James D. Parrish
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Steel - pipes & tubes
R.P. Scherer Corp. 2075 W. Big Beaver Rd.
Troy, MI 48084 313-649-0900 SHR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Thomas J. Stuart
Title : Controller
Industry : Medical products
R.R. Donnelley & Sons Co. 2223 Martin Luther King Dr.
Chicago, IL 60616 312-326-8000 DNY NYSE
Controller : Mr. William L. White
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Printing - commercial
RJR Nabisco Holdings Corp. 1301 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10019 212-258-5600 RN NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert S. Roath
Title : Senior Vice President and Controller
Industry : Food - misc.
Ralston Purina Co. Checkerboard Square
St. Louis, MO 63164 314-982-1000 RAL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Joe R. Micheletto
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Food - misc.
Raychem Corp. 300 Constitution Dr.
Menlo Park, CA 94025 415-361-3428 RYC NYSE
Controller : Ms. Deidra D. Barsotti
Title : Controller
Industry : Electrical products - misc.
Raymond James Financial, Inc. 880 Carillon Parkway
St. Petersburg, FL 33716 813-578-3800 RJF NYSE
Controller : Ms. Mary Jean Kissner
Title : Controller
Industry : Financial - investment bankers
Raytheon Co. 141 Spring St.
Lexington, MA 01273 617-862-6600 RTN NYSE
Controller : Mr. Peter R. D'Angelo
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Recognition Equipment Inc. 2701 E. Grauwyler Rd.
Irving, TX 75061 214-579-6000 REC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Thomas E. Hoefert
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Optical character recognition
Reich & Tang L.P. 100 Park Ave., Ste. 2800
New York, NY 10017 212-370-1110 RTP NYSE
Controller : Mr. Richard De Sanctis
Title : Controller
Industry : Financial - investment management
Reliance Group Holdings, Inc. 55 E. 52nd St.
New York, NY 10055 212-909-1100 REL NYSE
Controller : Mr. George E. Bello
Title : Executive Vice President and Controller
Industry : Insurance - multi line & misc.
Rexene Corp. 5005 LBJ Freeway
Dallas, TX 75244 214-450-9000 RXN NYSE
Controller : Mr. Geff Perera
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Chemicals - diversified
Reynolds Metals Co. 6601 W. Broad St.
Richmond, VA 23261 804-281-2000 RLM NYSE
Controller : Mr. David C. Bilsing
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Metals - non ferrous
Rite Aid Corp. 30 Hunter Lane
Camp Hill, PA 17011 717-761-2633 RAD NYSE
Controller : Mr. Richard J. Varmecky
Title : Assistant Vice President, Corporate Controller
Industry : Retail - drug stores
Robert Half International Inc. 2884 Sand Hill Rd.
Menlo Park, CA 94025 415-854-9700 RHI NYSE
Controller : Ms. Barbara J. Forsberg
Title : Corporate Controller and Assistant Treasurer
Industry : Business services
Rochester Telephone Corp. 180 S. Clinton Ave.
Rochester, NY 14646 716-777-7100 RTC NYSE
Controller : Mr. George A. Valenti
Title : Corporate Controller and Assistant Treasurer
Industry : Utility - telephone
Rohr Industries, Inc. Foot of H St.
Chula Vista, CA 91910 619-691-4111 RHR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Alvin L. Majors
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Aerospace - aircraft equipment
Rubbermaid Inc. 1147 Akron Rd.
Wooster, OH 44691 216-264-6464 RBD NYSE
Controller : Mr. Carl R. Bowers
Title : Vice President and Corporate Controller
Industry : Rubber & plastic products
Russ Togs, Inc. 1411 Broadway
New York, NY 10018 212-354-0700 RTS NYSE
Controller : Mr. Michael Wasserman
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Textiles - apparel
Russell Corp. PO Box 272
Alexander City, AL 35010 205-329-4000 RML NYSE
Controller : Mr. Larry E. Workman
Title : Controller
Industry : Textiles - apparel
Ryder System, Inc. 3600 N.W. 82nd Ave.
Miami, FL 33166 305-593-3726 R NYSE
Controller : Mr. Anthony G. Tegnelia
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Leasing
Ryland Group, Inc. 10221 Wincopin Circle
Columbia, MD 21044 410-730-7222 RYL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Phillip G. Creek
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Building - residential & commercial
SCEcorp 2244 Walnut Grove Ave.
Rosemead, CA 91770 818-302-2222 SCE NYSE
Controller : Mr. Richard K. Bushey
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
SCOR U.S. Corp. 110 William St.
New York, NY 10038 212-513-1777 SUR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Barry E. Golub
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Insurance - property & casualty
SL Industries, Inc. 8000 Midlantic Dr., Ste. 110
Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 609-727-1500 SL NYSE
Controller : Mr. James E. Morris
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Electrical products - misc.
SPS Technologies, Inc. 900 Newtown-Yardley Rd.
Newtown, PA 18940 215-860-3000 ST NYSE
Controller : Mr. Steven E. Engelman
Title : Controller
Industry : Metal products - fasteners
SYSCO Corp. 1390 Enclave Parkway
Houston, TX 77077 713-584-1390 SYY NYSE
Controller : Mr. Stephen S. Harris
Title : Senior Vice President and Controller
Industry : Food - wholesale
Safeguard Scientifics, Inc. 435 Devon Park Dr.
Wayne, PA 19087 215-293-0600 SFE NYSE
Controller : Mr. Michael W. Miles
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Financial - SBIC & commercial
Safeway Inc. Fourth and Jackson Sts.
Oakland, CA 94660 415-891-3000 SWY NYSE
Controller : Mr. David J. Domeier
Title : Controller
Industry : Retail - supermarkets
San Diego Gas & Electric Co. PO Box 1831
San Diego, CA 92112 619-696-2000 SDO NYSE
Controller : Mr. Frank H. Ault
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Sara Lee Corp. Three First National Plaza
Chicago, IL 60602 312-726-2600 SLE NYSE
Controller : Mr. William P. Carmichael
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Schering-Plough Corp. One Giralda Farms
Madison, NJ 07940 201-822-7000 SGP NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert G. Weiss
Title : Senior Vice President, Financial Control
Industry : Drugs
Schlumberger Ltd. 277 Park Ave.
New York, NY 10172 212-350-9400 SLB NYSE
Controller : Mr. Patrick J.B. Corser
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - field services
Scott Paper Co. Scott Plaza
Philadelphia, PA 19113 215-522-5000 SPP NYSE
Controller : Mr. Edward B. Betz
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Paper & paper products
Seagull Energy Corp. 1001 Fannin St.
Houston, TX 77002 713-951-4700 SGO NYSE
Controller : Mr. Rodney W. Bridges
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - production & pipeline
Sequa Corp. 200 Park Ave.
New York, NY 10166 212-986-5500 SQAA NYSE
Controller : Mr. William P. Ksiazek
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Chemicals - specialty
Shaw Industries, Inc. PO Drawer 2128
Dalton, GA 30722 404-278-3812 SHX NYSE
Controller : Mr. Douglas H. Hoskins
Title : Controller
Industry : Textiles - home furnishings
Shawmut National Corp. 777 Main St.
Hartford, CT 06115 203-728-2000 SNC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Romolo C. Santarosa
Title : Controller
Industry : Banks - northeast
Sherwin-Williams Co. 101 Prospect Ave., N.W.
Cleveland, OH 44115 216-566-2000 SHW NYSE
Controller : Mr. John L. Ault
Title : Vice President, Corporate Controller
Industry : Paints & allied products
Shoney's, Inc. 1727 Elm Hill Pike
Nashville, TN 37210 615-391-5201 SHN NYSE
Controller : Mr. V. Michael Payne
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Retail - food & restaurants
Signet Banking Corp. 7 N. Eighth St.
Richmond, VA 23219 804-747-2000 SBK NYSE
Controller : Mr. D. S. Norris
Title : Executive Vice President and Controller
Industry : Banks - southeast
Silicon Graphics, Inc. 2011 N. Shoreline Blvd.
Mountain View, CA 94039 415-960-1980 SGI NYSE
Controller : Mr. Dennis P. McBride
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Computers - graphics
Southdown, Inc. 1200 Smith St., Ste. 2400
Houston, TX 77002 713-650-6200 SDW NYSE
Controller : Mr. Allan B. Korsakov
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Construction - cement & concrete
Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Co. 20 N.W. Fourth St.
Evansville, IN 47741 812-424-6411 SIG NYSE
Controller : Mr. S. M. Kerney
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Southern National Corp. 500 N. Chestnut St.
Lumberton, NC 28358 919-671-2000 SNB NYSE
Controller : Ms. Sherry A. Kellett
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Banks - southeast
Southwest Airlines Co. PO Box 36611
Dallas, TX 75235 214-904-4000 LUV NYSE
Controller : Mr. William D. Lyons
Title : Controller
Industry : Transportation - airline
Southwestern Energy Co. 1083 Sain St.
Fayetteville, AR 72703 501-521-1141 SWN NYSE
Controller : Mr. Gregory D. Kerley
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - gas distribution
Springs Industries, Inc. 205 N. White St., PO Box 70
Ft. Mill, SC 29716 803-547-1500 SMI NYSE
Controller : Mr. John A.B. Palmer
Title : Controller
Industry : Textiles - home furnishings
Sprint Corp. PO Box 11315
Kansas City, KS 64112 913-676-3000 FON NYSE
Controller : Mr. William J. Gunter
Title : Senior Vice President and Controller
Industry : Utility - telephone
Standard Brands Paint Co. 4300 W. 190th St.
Torrance, CA 90509 310-214-2411 SBP NYSE
Controller : Mr. Steve Lindsey
Title : Vice President, Controller and Treasurer
Industry : Building products - retail & wholesale
Standard Federal Bank 2600 W. Big Beaver Rd.
Troy, MI 48084 313-643-9600 SFB NYSE
Controller : Mr. Michael R. Maher
Title : Senior Vice President and Controller
Industry : Financial - savings and loans
Standex International Corp. 6 Manor Parkway
Salem, NH 03079 603-893-9701 SXI NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert R. Kettinger
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Stanley Works, Inc. 1000 Stanley Dr.
New Britain, CT 06050 203-225-5111 SWK NYSE
Controller : Mr. Richard Huck
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Building products - misc.
Steego Corp. 319 Clematis St., Ste. 900
West Palm Beach, FL 33401 407-655-9700 STG NYSE
Controller : Mr. Dean A. McCoy
Title : Controller
Industry : Auto parts - retail & wholesale
Stone Container Corp. 150 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60601 312-346-6600 STO NYSE
Controller : Mr. Thomas P. Cutilletta
Title : Senior Vice President and Corporate Controller
Industry : Containers - paper & plastic
Stop & Shop Companies, Inc. PO Box 369
Boston, MA 02101 617-380-8000 SHP NYSE
Controller : Mr. Paul H. Freischlag, Jr.
Title : Vice President, Corporate Controller and Assistant Treasurer
Industry : Retail - supermarkets
Storage Technology Corp. 2270 S. 88th St.
Louisville, CO 80028 303-673-5151 STK NYSE
Controller : Mr. David E. Lacey
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Computers - peripheral equipment
Student Loan Marketing Association 1050 Thomas Jefferson St., NW
Washington, DC 20007 202-333-8000 SLM NYSE
Controller : Ms. Mark G. Overend
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Financial - consumer loans
SunTrust Banks, Inc. 25 Park Place, N.E.
Atlanta, GA 30303 404-588-7711 STI NYSE
Controller : Mr. William P. O'Halloran
Title : Senior Vice President and Controller
Industry : Banks - southeast
Sundstrand Corp. 4949 Harrison Ave.
Rockford, IL 61125 815-226-6000 SNS NYSE
Controller : Mr. DeWayne J. Fellows
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Aerospace - aircraft equipment
Super Food Services, Inc. 3233 Newmark Dr.
Dayton, OH 45342 513-439-7500 SFS NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert V. Frank
Title : Controller
Industry : Food - wholesale
Super Valu Stores, Inc. PO Box 990
Minneapolis, MN 55440 612-828-4000 SVU NYSE
Controller : Mr. Isiah Harris
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Food - wholesale
Swift Energy Co. 16825 Northchase Dr., Ste. 400
Houston, TX 77060 713-874-2700 SFY NYSE
Controller : Mr. Alton D. Heckaman, Jr.
Title : Assistant Vice President, Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - US exploration & production
Systems Center, Inc. 1800 Alexander Bell Dr.
Reston, VA 22091 703-264-8000 SMX NYSE
Controller : Mr. Leonard P. Kurtzman
Title : Directory of Finance, Controller and Treasurer
Industry : Computers - software
TCBY Enterprises, Inc. 425 W. Capitol Ave., Ste. 1100
Little Rock, AR 72201 501-688-8229 TBY NYSE
Controller : Mr. John M. Rogers
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Retail - food & restaurants
TNP Enterprises, Inc. 4100 International Plaza
Ft. Worth, TX 76109 817-731-0099 TNP NYSE
Controller : Mr. F. E. Pittman
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
TRINOVA Corp. 3000 Strayer
Maumee, OH 43537 419-867-2200 TNV NYSE
Controller : Mr. Richard C. DeCook
Title : Vice President, Financial Planning and Control
Industry : Machinery - general industrial
TRW Inc. 1900 Richmond Rd.
Cleveland, OH 44124 216-291-7000 TRW NYSE
Controller : Mr. Carl G. Miller
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Talley Industries, Inc. 2800 N. 44th St.
Phoenix, AZ 85008 602-957-7711 TAL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Kenneth May
Title : Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Tambrands Inc. One Marcus Ave.
Lake Success, NY 11042 516-358-8300 TMB NYSE
Controller : Mr. Dennis J. O'Connor
Title : Controller
Industry : Medical & dental supplies
Tandem Computers Inc. 19333 Vallco Parkway
Cupertino, CA 95014 408-725-6000 TDM NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert G. Gargus
Title : Vice President and Corporate Controller
Industry : Computers - mini & micro
Tandy Corp. 1800 One Tandy Center
Ft. Worth, TX 76102 817-390-3700 TAN NYSE
Controller : Mr. Richard L. Ramsey
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Computers - retail & wholesale
Tandycrafts, Inc. 1400 Everman Parkway
Ft. Worth, TX 76140 817-551-9600 TAC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Billy D. Rudd
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Retail - misc.
Tenneco Inc. Tenneco Building, PO Box 2511
Houston, TX 77252 713-757-2131 TGT NYSE
Controller : Mr. Edgar J. Milan
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Teradyne, Inc. 321 Harrison Ave.
Boston, MA 02118 617-482-2700 TER NYSE
Controller : Mr. John P. McCabe
Title : Controller
Industry : Electronics - measuring instruments
Terex Corp. 201 W. Walnut St.
Green Bay, WI 54303 414-435-5322 TEX NYSE
Controller : Mr. James A. Kettinger
Title : Controller
Industry : Machinery - construction & mining
Tesoro Petroleum Corp. 8700 Tesoro Dr.
San Antonio, TX 78217 512-828-8484 TSO NYSE
Controller : Mr. James W. Queen
Title : Senior Vice President, Control and Accounting
Industry : Oil refining & marketing
Texas Industries, Inc. 7610 Stemmons Freeway
Dallas, TX 75247 214-647-6700 TXI NYSE
Controller : Mr. James R. McCraw
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Texas Instruments Inc. 13500 N. Central Expressway
Dallas, TX 75265 214-995-2551 TXN NYSE
Controller : Mr. Marvin M. Lane, Jr.
Title : Vice President and Corporate Controller
Industry : Electrical components - semiconductors
Texas Utilities Co. 2001 Bryan Tower
Dallas, TX 75201 214-812-4600 TXU NYSE
Controller : Mr. S. S. Swiger
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Texfi Industries, Inc. 54OO Glenwood Ave., Ste. 318
Raleigh, NC 27612 919-783-4736 TXF NYSE
Controller : Mr. Harold W. Rakes
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Textiles - mill products
Textron Inc. 40 Westminster St.
Providence, RI 02903 401-421-2800 TXT NYSE
Controller : Mr. William P. Janovitz
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
The Williams Companies, Inc. One Willliams Center
Tulsa, OK 74172 918-588-2000 WMB NYSE
Controller : Mr. Gary Belitz
Title : Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - production & pipeline
Thomas Industries Inc. 4360 Brownsboro Rd.
Louisville, KY 40207 502-893-4600 TII NYSE
Controller : Mr. David J. Stumler
Title : Controller, Assistant Secretary
Industry : Building products - lighting fixtures
Tiffany & Co. 727 Fifth Ave.
New York, NY 10022 212-755-8000 TIF NYSE
Controller : Mr. Larry M. Segal
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Retail - jewelry stores
Timberland Co. 11 Merrill Industrial Dr.
Hampton, NH 03842 603-926-1600 TBL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Edward A. Geppner
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Shoes & related apparel
Times Mirror Co. Times Mirror Square
Los Angeles, CA 90053 213-237-3700 TMC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Duane L. Storhaug
Title : Controller
Industry : Publishing - newspapers
Titan Corp. 3033 Science Park Rd.
San Diego, CA 92121 619-453-9500 TTN NYSE
Controller : Ms. Jane E. Judd
Title : Vice President, Corporate Controller
Industry : Electronics - military
Tootsie Roll Industries, Inc. 7401 S. Cicero Ave.
Chicago, IL 60629 312-838-3400 TR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Daniel P. Drechney
Title : Controller
Industry : Food - confectionery
Toro Co. 8111 Lyndale Ave. South
Bloomington, MN 55420 612-888-8801 TTC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Randy B. James
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Tools - hand held
Toys R Us, Inc. 461 From Rd.
Paramus, NJ 07652 201-262-7800 TOY NYSE
Controller : Mr. Jonathan M. Friedman
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Retail - misc.
Transamerica Corp. 600 Montgomery St.
San Francisco, CA 94111 415-983-4000 TA NYSE
Controller : Mr. Burton E. Broome
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Insurance - multi line & misc.
Transcontinental Realty Investors, Inc. 10670 N. Central Expressway
Dallas, TX 75231 214-692-4700 TCI NYSE
Controller : Mr. Gregory L. Mayer
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Real estate investment trust
Travelers Corp. One Tower Square
Hartford, CT 06183 203-277-0111 TIC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Clyde B. Fulton
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Insurance - multi line & misc.
Tredegar Industries, Inc. 1100 Boulders Parkway
Richmond, VA 23225 804-330-1000 TG NYSE
Controller : Mr. Raymond E. Slater, Jr.
Title : Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
TriMas Corp. 315 E. Eisenhower Parkway
Ann Arbor, MI 48108 313-747-7025 TMS NYSE
Controller : Mr. William E. Meyers
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Metal products - fasteners
Tribune Co. 435 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60611 312-222-9100 TRB NYSE
Controller : Mr. R. Mark Mallory
Title : Controller and Director of Planning
Industry : Publishing - newspapers
Trinity Industries, Inc. 2525 Stemmons Freeway
Dallas, TX 75207 214-689-0592 TRN NYSE
Controller : Mr. William J. Goodwin
Title : Controller
Industry : Transportation - equipment & leasing
Triton Energy Corp. 6688 N. Central Expressway
Dallas, TX 75206 214-691-5200 OIL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Frank M. Cheatham, Jr.
Title : Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - US exploration & production
Twin Disc, Inc. 1328 Racine St.
Racine, WI 53403 414-634-1981 TDI NYSE
Controller : Mr. Fred H. Timm
Title : Controller and Secretary
Industry : Machinery - general industrial
Tyco Toys, Inc. 6000 Midlantic Dr.
Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054 609-234-7400 TTI NYSE
Controller : Mr. Paul J. Weaver
Title : Senior Vice President, Financial Operations and Controller
Industry : Toys - games & hobby products
Tyler Cabot Mortgage Securities Fund 2001 Bryan Tower, Ste. 3300
Dallas, TX 75201 214-746-7111 TMF NYSE
Controller : Mr. Andrew F. Jacobs
Title : Senior Vice President, Control
Industry : Financial - investment management
U S West, Inc. 7800 E. Orchard Rd.
Englewood, CO 80111 303-793-6500 USW NYSE
Controller : Mr. David I. Brenner
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Utility - telephone
U.S. Home Corp. 1800 W. Loop South
Houston, TX 77027 713-877-2311 UH NYSE
Controller : Mr. Chester P. Sadowski
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Building - residential & commercial
UAL Corp. 1200 E. Algonquin Rd.
Elk Grove Township, IL 60007 708-952-4000 UAL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Frederic F. Brace
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Transportation - airline
UDC-Universal Development L.P. 4812 S. Mill Ave.
Tempe, AZ 85282 602-820-4488 UDC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Rex H. Manz
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Building - residential & commercial
UGI Corp. 460 N. Gulph Rd., PO Box 858
Valley Forge, PA 19482 215-337-1000 UGI NYSE
Controller : Mr. Michael J. Cuzzolina
Title : Vice President, Accounting and Financial Control
Industry : Utility - gas distribution
UNC Inc. 175 Admiral Cochrane Dr.
Annapolis, MD 21401 410-266-7333 UNC NYSE
Controller : Mr. George C. Frazier
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Aerospace - aircraft equipment
USAir Group, Inc. 2345 Crystal Dr.
Arlington, VA 22227 703-418-5306 U NYSE
Controller : Mr. John W. Funkhouser
Title : Controller
Industry : Transportation - airline
USF&G Corp. 100 Light St.
Baltimore, MD 21202 410-547-3000 FG NYSE
Controller : Mr. Steven A. Cook
Title : Senior Vice President, Controller
Industry : Insurance - property & casualty
USG Corp. 101 S. Wacker Dr.
Chicago, IL 60606 312-606-4000 USG NYSE
Controller : Mr. John E. Malone
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Building products - misc.
USLICO Corp. 4601 Fairfax Dr.
Arlington, VA 22203 703-875-3600 USC NYSE
Controller : Mr. David W. Karsten
Title : Senior Vice President and Controller
Industry : Insurance - life
USLIFE Corp. 125 Maiden Lane
New York, NY 10038 212-709-6000 USH NYSE
Controller : Mr. James B. Lynch, Jr.
Title : Senior Vice President, Controller
Industry : Insurance - life
UniCARE Financial Corp. 2201 Dupont Dr., Ste. 600
Irvine, CA 92715 714-955-2170 UFN NYSE
Controller : Mr. Steven W. Miklos
Title : Vice President, Controller and Assistant Secretary
Industry : Insurance - accident & health
Union Carbide Corp. 39 Old Ridgebury Rd.
Danbury, CT 06817 203-794-2000 UK NYSE
Controller : Mr. John K. Wulff
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Chemicals - diversified
Union Electric Co. 1901 Chouteau Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63103 314-621-3222 UEP NYSE
Controller : Mr. Joseph M. Pfeifer
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Union Pacific Corp. Eighth and Eaton Aves.
Bethlehem, PA 18018 215-861-3200 UNP NYSE
Controller : Mr. Charles E. Billingsley
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Transportation - rail
Union Texas Petroleum Holdings, Inc. 1330 Post Oak Blvd.
Houston, TX 77056 713-623-6544 UTH NYSE
Controller : Mr. Larry D. Kalmbach
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - US exploration & production
UnionFed Financial Corp. 330 E. Lambert Rd.
Brea, CA 92621 714-255-8100 UFF NYSE
Controller : Mr. Stephen J. Austin
Title : First Vice President, Controller
Industry : Financial - savings and loans
Unisys Corp. PO Box 500
Blue Bell, PA 19424 215-542-4011 UIS NYSE
Controller : Mr. Eric A. Croson
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Computers - mainframe
United Dominion Industries Ltd. 2300 One First Union Center
Charlotte, NC 28202 704-347-6800 UDI NYSE
Controller : Mr. William Dries
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Building - residential & commercial
United Dominion Realty Trust, Inc. 10 S. Sixth St., Ste. 203
Richmond, VA 23219 804-780-2691 UDR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Jerry A. Davis
Title : Vice President, Controller - Corporate Accouting
Industry : Real estate investment trust
United Illuminating Co. 80 Temple St.
New Haven, CT 06506 203-787-7200 UIL NYSE
Controller : Mr. James L. Benjamin
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
United Investors Management Co. 2001 Third Ave. South
Birmingham, AL 35233 205-325-4200 UTD NYSE
Controller : Mr. Terry G. White
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Financial - investment management
United States Shoe Corp. One Eastwood Dr.
Cincinnati, OH 45227 513-527-7000 USR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Edwin C. Gerth
Title : Vice President, Corporate Controller
Industry : Shoes & related apparel
United States Surgical Corp. 150 Glover Ave.
Norwalk, CT 06856 203-845-1000 USS NYSE
Controller : Mr. Joseph C. Scherpf
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Medical instruments
United Technologies Corp. United Technologies Bldg.
Hartford, CT 06101 203-728-7000 UTX NYSE
Controller : Mr. Franklyn A. Caine
Title : Senior Vice President, Controller
Industry : Aerospace - aircraft equipment
United Water Resources Inc. 200 Old Hook Rd.
Harrington Park, NJ 07640 201-784-9434 UWR NYSE
Controller : Mr. John J. Turner
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - water supply
Universal Corp. Hamilton St. at Broad
Richmond, VA 23230 804-359-9311 UVV NYSE
Controller : Mr. William J. Coronado
Title : Controller
Industry : Tobacco
Universal Foods Corp. 433 E. Michigan St.
Milwaukee, WI 53202 414-271-6755 UFC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Richard F. Hobbs
Title : Vice President and Corporate Controller
Industry : Food - misc.
Universal Health Realty Income Trust 367 S. Gulph Rd.
King of Prussia, PA 19406 215-265-0688 UHT NYSE
Controller : Mr. Charles F. Boyle
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Real estate investment trust
Universal Health Services, Inc. 367 S. Gulph Rd.
King of Prussia, PA 19406 215-768-3300 UHS NYSE
Controller : Mr. Steve G. Filton
Title : Controller
Industry : Hospitals
Universal Medical Buildings, L.P. 731 N. Jackson St.
Milwaukee, WI 53202 414-278-0100 UMB NYSE
Controller : Ms. Edith L. Peters
Title : Secretary and Controller
Industry : Building - residential & commercial
Uno Restaurant Corp. 100 Charles Park Rd.
West Roxbury, MA 02132 617-323-9200 UNO NYSE
Controller : Mr. J. Lawrence Guihan
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Retail - food & restaurants
V.F. Corp. 1047 N. Park Rd.
Wyomissing, PA 19610 215-378-1151 VFC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert K. Shearer
Title : Controller
Industry : Textiles - apparel
Valero Energy Corp. 530 McCullough Ave.
San Antonio, TX 78215 512-246-2000 VLO NYSE
Controller : Mr. James W. Allen
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - production & pipeline
Valero Natural Gas Partners, L.P. 530 McCullough Ave.
San Antonio, TX 78215 512-246-2000 VLP NYSE
Controller : Mr. James W. Allen
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - production & pipeline
Valhi, Inc. 5430 LBJ Freeway, Ste. 1700
Dallas, TX 75240 214-233-1700 VHI NYSE
Controller : Mr. J. Thomas Montgomery, Jr.
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Value Merchants, Inc. 710 N. Plankinton Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53203 414-274-2575 VMI NYSE
Controller : Mr. Michael J. Wagner
Title : Controller and Secretary
Industry : Retail - misc.
Van Dorn Co. 6000 Lombardo Center, Ste. 300
Cleveland, OH 44131 216-447-8777 VDC NYSE
Controller : Mr. James R. Heckman
Title : Controller
Industry : Containers - metal
Varco International, Inc. 743 N. Eckhoff St.
Orange, CA 92668 714-978-1900 VRC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Donald L. Stichler
Title : Controller-Treasurer
Industry : Oil field machinery & equipment
Vigoro Corp. 225 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60601 312-819-2020 VGR NYSE
Controller : Mr. James J. Patterson
Title : Controller
Industry : Chemicals - specialty
Vintage Petroleum, Inc. 4200 One Williams Center
Tulsa, OK 74172 918-592-0101 VPI NYSE
Controller : Mr. Michael F. Meimerstorf
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - US exploration & production
Vulcan Materials Co. One Metroplex Dr.
Birmingham, AL 35209 205-877-3000 VMC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Daniel F. Sansone
Title : Controller
Industry : Construction - cement & concrete
W. W. Grainger, Inc. 5500 W. Howard St.
Skokie, IL 60077 708-982-9000 GWW NYSE
Controller : Mr. Paul J. Wallace
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Machinery - electrical
Wackenhut Corp. 1500 San Remo Ave.
Coral Gables, FL 33146 305-666-5656 WAK NYSE
Controller : Mr. Juan D. Miyar
Title : Vice President, Controller and Assistant Treasurer
Industry : Protection - safety equipment & services
Wainoco Oil Corp. 1200 Smith St., Ste. 1500
Houston, TX 77002 713-658-9900 WOL NYSE
Controller : Mr. George E. Aldrich
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - US exploration & production
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Bentonville, AR 72716 501-273-4000 WMT NYSE
Controller : Mr. James A. Walker, Jr.
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Retail - discount & variety
Walgreen Co. 200 Wilmot Rd.
Deerfield, IL 60015 708-940-2500 WAG NYSE
Controller : Mr. Roger H. Clausen
Title : Controller
Industry : Retail - drug stores
Walt Disney Co. 500 S. Buena Vista St.
Burbank, CA 91521 818-560-1000 DIS NYSE
Controller : Mr. Timothy V. Wolf
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Leisure & recreational products
Warnaco Group, Inc. 90 Park Ave.
New York, NY 10016 212-661-1300 WAC NYSE
Controller : Mr. William S. Finkelstein
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Apparel
Warner-Lambert Co. 201 Tabor Rd.
Morris Plains, NJ 07950 201-540-2000 WLA NYSE
Controller : Mr. Ernest J. Larini
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Drugs
Washington Gas Light Co. 1100 H St., N.W.
Washington, DC 20080 703-750-4440 WGL NYSE
Controller : Mr. Frederic M. Kline
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - gas distribution
Washington National Corp. 1630 Chicago Ave.
Evanston, IL 60201 708-570-5500 WNT NYSE
Controller : Mr. Herman G. Schiller
Title : Vice President, Controller and Treasurer
Industry : Insurance - life
Washington Water Power Co. 1411 E. Mission Ave.
Spokane, WA 99202 509-489-0500 WWP NYSE
Controller : Mr. John W. Buergel
Title : Controller
Industry : Utility - electric power
Wellman, Inc. 1040 Broad St., Ste. 302
Shrewsbury, NJ 07702 908-542-7300 WLM NYSE
Controller : Mr. Mark J. Rosenblum
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Chemicals - plastics
Wells Fargo & Co. 420 Montgomery St.
San Francisco, CA 94163 415-477-1000 WFC NYSE
Controller : Mr. Frank A. Moeslein
Title : Executive Vice President and Controller
Industry : Banks - west
Western Co. of North America 515 Post Oak Blvd.
Houston, TX 77027 713-629-2600 WSN NYSE
Controller : Mr. Steven P. Beatty
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Oil & gas - field services
Western Waste Industries 1125 W. 190th St., Ste. 100
Los Angeles, CA 90248 213-329-1425 WW NYSE
Controller : Mr. Madhu S. Chanani
Title : Vice President, Corporate Controller and Asst. Secretary
Industry : Pollution control equipment & services
Westinghouse Electric Corp. Gateway Center
Pittsburgh, PA 15222 412-244-2000 WX NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert E. Faust
Title : Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Wheelabrator Technologies Inc. Liberty Lane
Hampton, NH 03842 603-778-7311 WTI NYSE
Controller : Mr. William C. Knightley
Title : Controller
Industry : Energy - alternate sources
Whirlpool Corp. 2000 M-63
Benton Harbor, MI 49022 616-926-5000 WHR NYSE
Controller : Mr. Ralph F. Hake
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Appliances - household
Whitehall Corp. 2659 Nova Dr.
Dallas, TX 75229 214-247-8747 WHT NYSE
Controller : Mr. Daniel R. Donham
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Electronics - military
Whitman Corp. 111 E. Wacker Dr.
Chicago, IL 60601 312-565-3000 WH NYSE
Controller : Mr. Frank T. Westover
Title : Senior Vice President, Controller
Industry : Diversified operations
Willcox & Gibbs, Inc. 530 Fifth Ave.
New York, NY 10036 212-869-1800 WG NYSE
Controller : Mr. Allan M. Gonopolsky
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Machinery - general industrial
Windmere Corp. 5980 Miami Lakes Dr.
Miami Lakes, FL 33014 305-362-2611 WND NYSE
Controller : Mr. Joseph Reid
Title : Controller
Industry : Drugs & sundries - wholesale
Witco Corp. 520 Madison Ave.
New York, NY 10022 212-605-3800 WIT NYSE
Controller : Mr. Peter J. Biancotti
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Chemicals - diversified
Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co. 410 N. Michigan Ave.
Chicago, IL 60611 312-644-2121 WWY NYSE
Controller : Mr. Dennis J. Yarbrough
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Food - confectionery
Wolverine World Wide, Inc. 9341 Courtland Dr.
Rockford, MI 49351 616-866-5500 WWW NYSE
Controller : Mr. William J. Widdis
Title : Vice President and Corporate Controller
Industry : Shoes & related apparel
Woolworth Corp. 233 Broadway
New York, NY 10279 212-553-2000 Z NYSE
Controller : Mr. Thomas E. Page
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Retail - discount & variety
WorldCorp, Inc. 13873 Park Center Rd.
Herndon, VA 22071 703-834-9200 WOA NYSE
Controller : Mr. Thomas B. Pfeil
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Transportation - airline
Xerox Corp. 800 Long Ridge Rd.
Stamford, CT 06904 203-968-3000 XRX NYSE
Controller : Mr. Raghunandan Sachdev
Title : Vice President and Controller
Industry : Office equipment & supplies
York International Corp. 631 S. Richland Ave.
York, PA 17403 717-771-7890 YRK NYSE
Controller : Mr. Lance J. Koved
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Building products - a/c & heating
Zenith Electronics Corp. 1000 Milwaukee Ave.
Glenview, IL 60025 708-391-7000 ZE NYSE
Controller : Mr. Robert H. Fisher
Title : Corporate Controller
Industry : Audio & video home products
Zero Corp. 444 S. Flower St., Ste. 2100
Los Angeles, CA 90071 213-629-7000 ZRO NYSE
Controller : Mr. Eric A. Sand
Title : Controller
Industry : Electrical components - misc.
Zurn Industries, Inc. One Zurn Place
Erie, PA 16514 814-452-2111 ZRN NYSE
Controller : Mr. John E. Rutzler III
Title : Vice President, Controller
Industry : Pollution control equipment & services